Sunday, March 27, 2016


Studded with a thousand fragrant flowers please me down the aisle, but it turned out to be the groom had never existed ....

 After over twenty years of separation four friends were reunited, they sit facing the dining table filled with traditional dishes and fresh drinks. Atmosphere around the house eating it is a verdant paddy fields, shady trees and passing waitress serving food to customers. The four women looked at each other, almost nothing is changed from every appearance, the faces that even young scholars as excited to wear a toga. They know the meaning shed hanker after a long separation, is a mercy, that today all four can be reunited. At first, the conversation was heated interspersed with debriefing and joke, but ....

The Blue Shirts finally answering the question, "Actually I have been divorced?" The voice hoarse muffled sobs punctuated."Why?" Asked The White Shirts, a pair of furrowed brows, gaze filled with wonder."My husband suffered chronic emotional disturbance, he always suspected I was having an affair, sell girls, all allegations without proof. I have no reason for cheating or selling a child. Anger into a terrible routine. He had a firearm and a samurai, he repeatedly threatened to kill me, before it dies the better I saved myself. After the divorce I left everything, I start a new life with everything completely as is ", momentarily silent atmosphere, each at each other and then pausing with one long breath.

While The Brown Shirts talks resume, "If I do not get divorced, even though the marriage did not last more than five years. One morning when heading boarding house of a woman friend in their work, my husband right there. My head slammed into the wall and torn fifteen stitches, he spits when I finish my thesis. At home I only porters were preparing to serve the master, he settled in another city with the woman, having children for the rest of my second child. My husband just came home during Eid for visiting parents, we do not say hello, "it also resemble wailing voice, she was married at a young age before earning a bachelor's degree, at first he thought that love would give everything. It turns out that he received was a particularly heavy burden of raising two children with minimal income and stay at home mother-in-law. There was no defence he could do for the sake of raising children, but to survive in the pressure so strong.

The White Shirt also says, "I do not divorce, my children need the status of a family, even though his father treated me nothing more than a slave. Indeed he was wrong, he was too stupid to behave as an employer, because I could be more evil deeds. I have dedicated my life to raising children, shed all of the skills in the workplace, I saved with great residual income, so finally I can give the best for the children. I never care who his father, because they are flesh and blood. My husband returned to the village, married the widow secretly, I thought was dead, he's just the fool blindly try to knock down sandalwood trees, because envy fragrance. Sandalwood tree is never collapsed, when he decided to move the task to the homeland, matters of life I thought was finished, which should think about is the future of children ", the words spoken from the cold face without emotion. The white shirt seems to have felt too old to just grieve, he has lived the remainder of the assignment before retirement came, arriving as he left the bustling world. The Black Shirt finally also said, "My marriage is the biggest party and festive, I thought I was a princess who gets married to a handsome prince, live happily ever after. It turns out that happiness only whole corn, four children were given birth yet again an adult when he left home to live with a prostitute. I wish I could call him back, but no, he's gone forever, I care children alone. When I tried to establish happiness with another man, it was more ruthless than my husband's treatment. I ended the whole thing, I have to work with the open shop to support young my child. On the wedding night, in fact I was just by myself in the wedding dress, the groom was never there .... "The voice is flat with no emotion, The Black Shirt has lost all feeling, because of the bitter experience of life. Delusion of adolescence such a beautiful life marriage it was just a dream, a daydream that had long scattered. Not to mention the age of the head of the two when the wedding took place. Then silence, the four pairs of eyes looked at each other in a long sigh. While the glasses and plates started to empty, the wind still blows limbs. There was a warm atmosphere in the meeting, although each are present must tell things in life so bitter.

What actually has been in force? Everyone, especially teenage girls dream of a happy marriage like in a fairy tale. But the happiness it turns out costly conditions. A pair of brides not only declared right has grown up, but each party, both men and women are capable of independent, do not hang themselves from one another. Party women especially, when it has to follow the flow of gender equality, it has been able to act like a man. A woman should even have a higher education level, utilizing the educational levels that enter the hierarchy for career rising and potentially greater. Physical objects what you can not buy with money? Money is one of the means to achieve authority, even in the smallest institution, the family. Who is authorized to make decisions is the party that can generate revenue to fund the household? The issue is more complex in a marriage is a culture that has become customary community concerned. Patriarchal culture still dominates the lives of families in communities in the east. When put their lives on the man at the wedding loved sprinkled a thousand flowers, the men actually think women do not have any interest, except serve like a boy for everything that pleases him. Still, it is difficult for a man to recognize the benefits of a woman, even though she is a previously beloved and expected as a life companion. But culture, a system of ideas which was passed in the behaviour together, agreed, unconsciously push a man apply like a king to be serviced wife, or he can give the punishment for disobedience.

The heaviness of a woman is pregnant, give birth and then care children, so they have a better life than their parents. A mother could even do anything. The four friends whose reunion was still lucky, after marriage foundered they still can appear in young age, have clothing, food, shelter and education costs enough until her children graduated. Women who do not have a job, experiencing violence in the home, choose divorce, eventually had to choose a life that tragically, become prostitutes for the support of children who are born. There is a woman who says, because his daughter was always rebellious, "Does my girl need to know if her mother had to sell themselves to the tuition fee?"That question need not be answered and verifiable, because indirectly the mother had said, that he had sold herself for the sake of rupiah for tuition child which always defiant. Similarly, the heavy task of raising children, so that places prostitute met mothers who live with horrible for the survival of children born. So, what is the real meaning of marriage when the wonderful hope that necessarily ends with the tragic and terrible?

Time ultimately limit the reunion of four friends, they know there are women who fared well, because getting a wise man, placing it as a life partner, not a waiter who did not have an interest. The White Shirt finally said, "A woman does not actually need anything, except the wise man, acting according to the teachings of scripture of any religion, to feed and protect a wife in family life, so that the children can be brought up in peace ... . "

Dewi Linggasari

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