Saturday, March 19, 2016


growing leaf leaves bruises
in the rain axe
violent stabbing
else giant jaws slowly swallow
sheen of moonlight
until no trace disappeared
moon trembled, streaks of red brick
just cried fowl
float at the end of last autumn grass together
--night getting dark when your hand
dark stain of soot
step farther 

leave no longer trace
except a question mark
: When will the giant wrath subsided
then the dark shadow passed forever

Agats - Asmat, October 8th, 2014


the chariots continues to race
the painful whip and worry the dust

we are not a herd of horses
may feel tired
when the rate of sudden
clatter as if a blast of bullets
"Is not a proper reinforcement sais direction?"
but the more boisterous drums beating
the intense performances of the
endless drama
--let's me be rain
on mourners sobbed sky
after dusk to night
then the horses drank water drops
dereliction of thirst, after clattering horseshoes
screaming endless

Agats - Asmat,  March, 13th 2014