Sunday, December 29, 2013


                                                       By: Dewi Linggasari *

H IV / AIDS as an accumulation of highly complex life issues are the worst consequences, especially from unhealthy sexual behaviour, ie with multiple partners. The use of non-sterile drug needles, from mother to the baby as well as other unforeseen consequences, such as accidents. Efforts have been made treatment for patients with more than three decades, but only ARVs could prevent HIV so as not to deteriorate into AIDS. Death was due to continued most worrying, given how precious life actually. There are too many things to do human in the work, for yourself, others, and the Creator. The adage says ' elephant ivory dead leaves, dead man leave his name '. What name can be left out and be remembered, of a person who passed away, due to AIDS? During the life of people with HIV / AIDS are not even able to help themselves. Papua as the provinces with the case of HIV / AIDS when compared with the total population is a serious problem that can not be ignored. Survival becomes the priority of the entire program to be implemented because life is the most basic human issues for each individual. However, there are categories of society who do not know or do not want to know the dangers of HIV, then intentionally or unintentionally transmit to the closest. Mothers as a passive group that can be infected with HIV / AIDS is the first party that can be a victim, because of unhealthy sexual behaviour with multiple partners of the husband. A husband who has a habit of changing partners outside the marriage bond without the use of a condom is a terrifying threat of an innocent wife. So a family can die one by one, because HIV to the family residence in question became a no man's empty. Unhealthy sexual behaviour with multiple partners, is an attitude that has been conditioned since an individual to grow into an adult and realize the importance of relationships with the opposite sex. A person who has been accustomed to having multiple sexual partners since the age of adolescence - before coming wedding day, has had an institutionalized idea that promiscuity is not an error, even into a sensational thing. Family as the immediate environment and then the environment never gave sense and warning, that sexual relations outside of marriage, especially multiple partners is a mistake. Institution of marriage has been established and held the function in order to legalize the marriage relationship. However, a thesis will inevitably lead to antithesis, as has been legally established institutions to legitimize a marriage, it will display an attitude to oppose the presence of the said institution. Localization and nightspots is the official forum of the antithesis. In second place was a sexual relationship outside the marriage took place without limits and time. PSK remains as a high-risk group that can transmit HIV / AIDS, as a prostitute in a day can be more than a touch different customers, as well as on the day, week, month, and next year. The number of guests has always been transformed and countless. The customers who are reluctant to use condoms, for reasons sensational, consciously or unconsciously has the potential to spread HIV to the people around him, especially to his wife and children. While infidelity relationships with women who are not prostitutes no less danger in conjunction with the PSK itself. Not a single country in the world that is able to clean the territory of the existence of prostitution. There is a state or a state with the highest income have of entertainment venues - prostitution, including gambling and liquor distribution. In countries that have advanced once prostitution is still manifest themselves in a variety of versions. However, in the said State, or in areas that have grown rapidly HIV / AIDS is not a threat. Human mentality fairly or very high in the behaviour causing the promiscuity prostitutes that service users are not willing to bear the risk of HIV infection. Condoms required in localization to prevent the spread of HIV / AIDS. While women have achieved a position called gender equality. The independence of the ability to be responsible for himself and the children were conceived and then born. When the worst things happen in a marriage, with the husband's cooperation can no longer be expected in an effort grow up children, women referred to has been able to cope as well as solutions to the toughest things in life. That children as the next generation remains a guaranteed life to bring it safely into the future. Papua is extremely complex issues, too difficult to disentangle one after another for a solution, but a way out must be taken. The spread of HIV / AIDS-related to reproductive health education as early as possible, maturation age of marriage, STDs, domestic violence and regional leadership. That after over two decades the highest prevalence of HIV / AIDS in Papua, no doubt about it. The situation of the HIV epidemic in Papua Danaids until March 31, 2013 was, 5,363 HIV cases, 8,011 AIDS cases, the number of 13 374 cases, 1,076 dead soul
Figures above as well as a threat and a warning, that the hard work is consistently of all walks of life needed to stop the spread of HIV in this region. Merauke through hard work managed to suppress the spread of HIV to the lowest rate, but the threat of HIV in Papua remains worrisome. Hard work across sectors in order to instil healthy reproduction as early as possible, maturation age of marriage, anti-violence in the household, the dangers of STIs and HIV / AIDS, and condom negotiation is a suite of programs that can not be separated from one another by the spread of this deadly virus. The family is the immediate environment potentially build an individual character as early as possible, so that the individual concerned will not be dragged in unhealthy sexual behaviour before and after the wedding occurred. The following is a layered environment that can provide moral education for every individual who becomes an essential part in it. Family of a child shall be directed to the next neighbourhood, a layer that is able to teach the moral life as well as concentration, so the busyness and ideals can divert individuals from spreading HIV risk behaviour. Condoms are the technical solutions without promoting the moral, but still plays a role in the context of the spread of this deadly disease. Eventually everything die to self every person, whether a person wants to have a long life and do everything possible to achieve the said age? Or, for one reason or another individual figure to be apathetic to the danger and potentially accelerate the coming of death. That HIV / AIDS can not be cured, to this day remains an absolute problem. Prevention efforts inherent in the socialization of the individual concerned against mental education is directly related to the reproductive system healthy. HIV / AIDS is not a disease that can be treated clinically, as consequence
of unhealthy sexual behaviour, these deadly threats can only be prevented .