Friday, December 23, 2016

YOGYAKARTA: Randu Sari --The Hidden Waterfall

Social media has always been directions to a tourist destination that can provide comfort and a new discourse on holidays. This time the destination has to offer is Randu Sari Waterfall, located in the hamlet Rejosari, Jatimulyo Village, District Dlingo, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Randu Sari position is not difficult to find, because the neighboring pine hill travel destination Becici and Wildlife fruit Manguman. Armed with GPS at once curious traveler can drive the car personal, substantial challenges must be bypassed when a left turn from the nameplate Wonomulyo, the road will continue to climb, the left ravine, the right side of the cliff. Forest stretches, as well panorama Yogyakarta as a whole began to appear on the altitude, the air begins to cool and airy, the crowds and traffic jams away, which is now, the rural situation. Houses, gardens, green leaves and slippery pavement.

Nameplate into a direction before reaching the destination, until the GPS guided on the last map, cornering on a small street in residential areas, downhill road continues to narrow until it reached the parking lot. Some locals look guard, pull the car parking fee of Rp. 5,000,00. More silence, almost no visitors, except a car from another traveler. From the parking lot to the waterfall takes a few minutes walk down the trail as well as a farmer's field, local people states, 'the distance from the parking lot to the waterfall just one puff a cigarette', the point is very close.

There was silence again flared, tourists who arrive early turned out to have finish the visit. The footpath continues to decline, deserted among the green leaves and fresh air. Soon immediately audible rumble of water falling from a height, is a truly natural sound melodious. The footsteps accelerated to arrive at the origin of the sound, and finally appeared natural phenomena, twin waterfalls gushing from a height stagnant in a pool and then on a small creek flowing towards the estuary. If the atmosphere of crowded tourists can linger to enjoy the natural atmosphere, even swimming and water play happily. This time there was no other visitors, safety considerations led to travelers should be careful, or better to visit in large numbers, so that it can linger enjoy atmosphere Randu Sari, a hidden waterfall.

Thursday, December 22, 2016


I am purple:
after red blood dissolves together
blue sea, on the window sill of the universe
I drift off on a string of grapes
ripe, vegetable eggplant, and
rare rocks

I am grey:
when melted dark night
together with strands of white silk
waving on the horizon frame
I was attached to student uniforms, smearing
jail wall
and coagulates in a million 

river stone

I am orange:
red when the saga melt
in molten gold and fused
along quiet twilight
I conduct myself on the lips
shiny party dress
and comely pair of cheek

I am white:
as winter comes I
will blow everything
coloured, I shed loose from
frozen sky, blanketing the sport life
as snow
I will still be the only
coloured to the cold wind blows

spring arrived

Agats - Asmat, March 25, 2010


I escape
from rainbow  circuit
breezes waft took
go and shed at the edge
: I give coloure to flowers and butterflies, 

paint river wall
and stones

Wind continues wanderer
up across the city gates

paint sheet ideals, haute couture,
scarf, and a string of jewels

Wind still running 

I blow back colors on the curtains,
candles, paper flowers, and
a million poems
: I too want to fly
back home
but the rain has long subsided
turns, curved wistfully

but wheel rainbow there is now no ....

Agats - Asmat, March 26th, 2010

YOGYAKARTA --Gumuling Wells, Secret Mosque Underground

After a walk around Taman Sari, travelers will continue to be guided towards the Well Gumuling - Secret underground mosque. Tourists must pass Tajug, hallway that connects the palace and the Taman Sari also Pulo Kenongo. Wide underground passage that is purposely built to guard the palace when trapped in a precarious situation, so there is also a secret door that serves to save themselves. After passing Tajug, travelers will see the former Pulo Kenongo, is a strategic area which formerly scented scent, because kenongo flowers. Then the tourists can head towards the Well Gumuling, secret, underground mosques, places of worship Sultan and family. The Dutch government does not give freedom to the Sultan and the entire family to worship in peace, then a mosque secrets need to be established in the basement, hidden place. Circular two-story buildings with solid walls timeless after hundreds of years, has a design has good acoustic side. Once upon a time, when it leads the prayer, the priest may reverberate sound good everywhere, that time there loudspeaker technology, the design of the mosque is built in such a way that serves to reflect sound.Now when Gumuling wells no longer function as a mosque, a person's voice spoken loudly in the silence, will continue to reverberate around the room. Right at the end of the hall, there is a circular area with a dot in the middle connected by five stairs in the vicinity. The midpoint of the said function as a pulpit for religious leaders to preach. Sultan and his family members used to sit in the hallway area to perform prayers and religious activities were previously banned by the Dutch government. The men sat on the second floor, the women sit on the first floor as a symbol of heaven under mother's feet. Right in the middle of the mosque there is a square-shaped with 5 risers around him, the unique nature of the building so impressive. Blue sky above looks mega ornate white as cotton wadding, and melodious birdsong. At the start of the Well Gumuling up and functioning, under the stairs is a four meter wells with crystal clear water that serves to establish ablutions before prayer five times a day.The last stop in Taman Sari is Kenongo Building, the tallest building in Tama Sari. The building was the original function of the dining room Sultan, after nearly three centuries, past history of this building has lost its function as a dining room. However, Kenongo building still standing in old age as a witness to history. From this place, tourists can witness the moment the sun sank in a stunning red twilight.


: A night in the old town

only solitude residual
dark, stumbling
waved to a purple  headkerchief
even lawn grass screaming perish
attacked by caterpillars dying foliage and then the sound of silence
which breaks down: "where is the end of waiting?"
jaded heart waiting for answers
after lies, pain and doubt
will there still should be suspended?
who reluctantly went freezing cold
in the 
bottom of the heart
perpetuate deserted
I want to break the silence, but
solitaire that time is still stony silence
perennial rotates in the heart cavity
--leave me alone! so I can clean
feeling increasingly dither death
approaching rumble as if a wave
slaughter negligence

: Getting old town, the night advancing age
heart was troubled

headkerchief strands suddenly choking on blood!

Agats - Asmat, August 20, 2011

Wednesday, December 21, 2016


After visiting Breksi, The Garden Rock, then there is no harm in continuing to move the location of a tourist destination that is located not far from this rock, with the condition of the road continues to climb. Ijo Temple is located at an altitude of 375 meters above sea level, is a temple to the highest position among all the temples in Yogyakarta. Ijo Temple was built around the 9th century on a hill known as Ijo --Green Hill . The mention of the name of the Ijo village was first written in the Poh inscription dating from 906 Masehi. In the inscription written on a ceremonial audience from the village Wuang Green. Based on the record of the inscription dipekirakan Candi Ijo has been around 1110 years old, a very old age for a building.Ijo temple complex is a terraced temple complex, increasingly rising to the back to the east side with the rear of the center of enshrinement. The first terrace is a terrace staircase stretching from west to east. Building on the top terrace is a fence and eight pole phallus. In the last terrace is also the main temple stands complete with three ancillary temples. In the main temple there is a booth with Linga Yoni, symbolizing the union of Lord Shiva to Dewi Parvati. In the ancillary temples, visitors can see the statues of the temple is said to be the vehicle of Lord Shiva and a stone table or called padmasana. Variety of art forms can also be found in the temple complex Ijo. One of them carving when makara with gand¬a head motif and some attributes.In this temple are also to be found that works is still a mystery that is listed on a plaque, located on the terrace to-9, marked Guywan or Bhuyutan which means hermitage. Inscriptions that are made of stone measuring 14 cm and 9 cm thick inscribed with a spell-dimension which is estimated contains curse "Om sarww¬awinasa, Sarwwawinasa" inscribed repeated up to 16 times. Until now there has been also revealed an incident related to a note on the inscription.Around the temple herd, Yogakarta stretches witnessed the majestic Mount Merapi with towering peaks. The breeze, cool air, and green grass give specifik atmosphere for each visitor. Panorama can be seen from the above Breksi, The Garden Rock can also be seen from around this temple.

YOGYAKARTA: Breksi, The Garden Rock

Amazing photographs Breksi, The Garden Rock immediately attracts tourists come to visit the magnificent stone walls prove that being a tourist destination around Yogyakarta in the last year. Breksi presence as if completing the map of a tourist destination for all travelers who require comfort to escape from the daily routine that drab. After the tour of history, nature, culture, culinary, Merapi eruption, now rock with impressive specs. Position Breksi Garden Rock approximately 7 kilometers south of Prambanan, precisely in the hamlet Nglengkong, Groyokan Sambirejo Prambanan. Armed with GPS and signposts, this hill is not hard to find.

Crooked land is in the form of a limestone hill lurah for years explored as a source of livelihood of local communities as building materials. However, starting from 1995 mining operations have ceased, since the prohibition of Local Government. After research geologist stated, limestone breccia turns are deposits of volcanic ash from Ancient Volcano Nglanggeran. Thus, the area is included in the cultural heritage and must be preserved. Similarly, the existence of Ancient Volcano Nglanggeran, Candi Ijo, Ratu Boko and so on. At this location there are outcrops of sedimentary rock dust ancient volcano, pumice formed the morphology of the hill, the local population to mine this hill and generate criticism 30m-high cliff.

The presence of pumice prove convincingly that this layering is the result of an explosive volcanic eruption. Such rocks are often found from the hills in the area Parangtritis up in Wonogiri and with a thickness between 300-600 m. Best outcrop located in the village of Semilir, in District Pathuk, DIY, so this rock formation called Semilir Formation. Stratigraphically --bedding procession, Breksi Rock is above Pillow Lava Berbah. Wide distribution and the great thickness indicates that Semilir formation resulting from a series of events that large volcanic eruption about 20 million years ago that the possibility of not less powerful the Toba Volcano eruption. Therefore, this formation is called as a result of a super eruption of Volcano breeze. Of Pillow Lava Berbah under heading Semilir Formation located in the layer above it, has proved the development of a volcanic arc that was originally marked by volcanic activity 'monogenesis' - only to produce a molten lava beneath the sea, and then evolved into volcanic activity 'poligenesis that generates strato volcano - composed of lava and volkaniklastik perselingan, ending with a super event volcano eruption breeze. Formation Semilir boarded by Nglanggran formation, the younger composed of andesite breccia and andesite lava bit. Formation Nglanggran presence indicates that once formed the broad expanse of catastrophic volcanic eruption breezy, followed by the growth of new Strato volcanoes, the Volcano Nglanggran.

When Hill Breccia no longer allowed to be extracted as a building material, the local community propped up, how beautiful the rest of the cliff from around the boulders that have been mined for many years. Breccia stone cliffs soaring up to 30 meters, a tourist will feel so small when standing directly under the cliff. Sturdy stone walls and beautiful as if chiselled natural forces that would attract viewer interest. Yogyakarta once again proved itself as the public character of tourism services. Prohibition did not cause the stone quarry breccia local people have lost their livelihoods. From quarries stones, people switch to subsistence solidifying Taman Tebing Batu Breccia as one tourist destination in Yogyakarta neighborhood. In May 2015 the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan HB X inaugurated Wildlife  Breksi Garden Rock as a heritage area.

Society makes rung from the bottom up toward the cliffs 30 meters to the top of the cliff, then the tourists can gaze the entire layout of the city of Yogyakarta at the furthest point of Mount Merapi that stands tall with magnificent. Red and white flag fluttering in the sky, confirmed the unity of the nation. Staring at the red and white always with a feeling of the heart quiver. In the west, extending the airport Adi Sucpto, every moment seemed plane prepared to land  rotate runway. Railways seemed too long endless, always together, but never met until the end of the trip. Meanwhile, on the east side and the south, visible flow of the river through the hill and township residents, alampun greedy green, mist-ridden, vague.

On the morning of Breksi, The Garden Rock would greet the sunrise in golden yellow light. The afternoon the sun will set on the horizon, featuring a panorama that took place not too long, but always leave an impression very valuable. Red twilight always amazing, especially when seen from a height. From the cliff appears also Tlatar Seneng inscription: is a circular cultural performances right under the cliff. Park welcomes all tourist arrivals, foreign and domestic, rooms and bathrooms have been provided anyway. Permanent roof built by adjusting the position of rock, tourists who feel tired and thirsty can berisitirahat to buy cold drinks, book super noodles, salad, gado-gado and other snacks.
Let's go to Breksi, The Garden Rock .....