Friday, August 5, 2016

MAHABHARATA --The Great Epic of India, 2 King Santanu

Red dusk on the banks of the Gangga is a memorable moment when the sun slowly dropped the ball closer to the horizon, the light fading, bouncing sheen on the surface of the river water. Gentle breeze scented wildflowers, green grass, a flock of birds flying across a blue sky, back to the nest. Towering trees, the leaves shake in the evening breeze, fondling butterfly.

This time is different from the twilight days of the past, King Santanu - descendants of the great King Bharata spend a short time after a flurry of handling various royal duties. He needs to refresh his mind for a moment before the tasks on the following day waiting. The King awaits the decisive moments when the sun would change if a giant ball of copper in colour, slowly descending and then disappeared in the horizon. Gleaming golden light reflecting oversized clothes of the King, under it, is a figure that muscular body, supporting a face handsome and regal. Santanu inherited the greatness of kings before, a descendant of the great King Bharata.

King Santanu deep in the glory of nature when suddenly he was struck by a ladder propped figure waisted pair of legs, swathed wore beautiful. Evening light cause gold jewellery gemstone glittering reign. Desir favourable wind carries the scent of the hair is smooth and long. Santanu stunned, he never thought that at a beautiful sunset he will be met with a beautiful woman. The woman's face turned the twilight, it looked as if the shadow of apparent difficulty known. Santani need another few steps before stopping the blood drained, he was staring at a face that is very beautiful flawless. Delicate facial skin, eyes as if starlight east, nose sharp, tiny blood-red lips. King's heart raced with the current tight smile beautiful women it expands, the body of the king float above the altitude, he is no longer interested in returning to the ground.

"It’s a beautiful dusk, the pretty woman, I'm the King Santanu. If I may know your name?" Involuntarily Santanu say, muscular hands outstretched, he immediately hold the soles are smooth and soft reassuring.

"All honour to you the Great King Santanu, I am Dewi Gangga, a glory could be met with the King on the beautiful river", the Dewi Gangga is still smiling, she looked as if a marble statue are etched smooth flawless, though never know who the real the sculptor.

"Your name is as beautiful as your face", Santanu more tightly gripping soles of Dewi Gangga, he was too happy with the meeting, he even forgot to ask questions, where in fact the women came from, where his home? The King lured a melodious voice that came from the lips red. He knows, will never be able to leave the Gangga River without the willingness of the Goddess participate anyway back to the palace. Just as King Dushmanta at the time, now Santanu fell in love with an unknown woman at first sight.

"I'm flattered, because the words of a great wise king", the voice was melodious like the evening wind that rustled the leaves green touches. Santanu feel the entire chest rumbled, his eyes lit up, he did not look at the face of the goddess Gangga without blinking. He was anxious if one eye flicker will take away the Gangga before him. Santanu not afford to lose that beautiful woman.

"May the Almighty Creator has coloured this evening for a meeting, I do not want this meeting to end. A king like accompanied by the queen, the crown prince will be born next successor as king ", subtly and politely Santanu request, he was a king, his request could not be denied, but he knew he should not be forced.

"A joy to receive while meeting the demand for a king, but it worth the Dewi  Gangga become an empress?" Dewi Gangga down, a pair of soft cheeks flushed, eyes met for a moment both. Santanu was wholly quivering. These beautiful women are humbled himself, he had to make his point.

"Gangga, today, I'm asking you to marry as the consort of King Santanu, you will live in a palace in a glorious place, gave birth to the crown prince, be my companion forever", twilight will tip into a catastrophe, if the goddess Ganga said "no". King Santanu on fire in a burning passion, love to make anyone, even a king became blind. He filed a request without first knowing the identity of a woman who would be queen. Santanu looked at Ganges all my hope, what he never had, dignity, dignity, power, beauty, crown, and love?

In the western sky, the sun slowly goes out, getting close to the boundary line in an impressive sheen colour. Copper sky, blazing a beautiful gilded light. Like a cool breeze blown from a place overgrown with thousands of flowers. Santanu see more smiles on the lips floating goddess Ganga, pretty face it more attractive. "Every girl might dream to become empress, but how is not easy to live. If the king is pleased to meet the requirements ".

"What are the requirements that?" Santanu could not wait for the words of the Dewi Gangga, he will soon bring the beautiful princess before the evening ended, the riverbank will turn dark because the light only flashes of stars and fireflies.

"First, as the consort of no one, not even the King ask, who real Dewi Gangga? Where it came from anyway? Secondly, His Majesty will always justify the empress of all behaviour, good or bad, no right to hinder. Thirdly, the king should not be angry with the queen, if there are things that are not pleasant,  Gangga will take leave to go ".

A severe requirements and did not really make sense, but love makes blind eye their hearts King Santanu. He did not want anything this time, he just wants to Dewi Gangga confirmed as an empress, with her in the palace
,  gave birth to the crown prince, and live happily ever after. Santanu enamoured with all things that are self Dewi Gangga pad, he did not feel the need to think long, he agreed to the terms, without considering the consequences later.

"Whatever your request, I have no mind doing, which is important to let us return to the palace for the grand wedding ceremony tomorrow" Santanu took the soft arm of Gangga, he seemed to step on a thousand fragrant flowers when walking back in the palace for a big event tomorrow. Finally he got a lovely heart to be confirmed as empress.

When the grand wedding ceremony was held, Santanu did not want to linger sitting in the aisle, he wanted to get ahead of the lovely bride's room, along with his beautiful bride. He has edited a beautiful daughter without equal in this kingdom, Santanu feel like the happiest people. He was not aware of a painful event will encounter over nine months after the banquet. the heart of King Santanu flowered when he realized a few months later the goddess Ganga seemed to contain a prospective heir, he was really waiting for the birthday. He would become the father of a baby of a wife who is very lovable. However, really big king was entitled to happiness when it came time to give birth to the Dewi Gangga.

When pregnancy Gangga stepping in nine months and ten days, consort take leave to go to the banks of the Gangga alone without anyone waiting. Dewi Gangga seeks a sheltered place to give birth, while after the tiny baby is born, without much say she immediately washed baby without sin into the Gangga. This handsome-faced consort of self-cleaning and then returned to the palace with a beaming face, as if she never happen in his life. Santanu was waiting for a baby, but the empress returned empty-handed, without much say, as if he had not recently experienced a significant event, gave birth to a son the crown. King Santanu gripped a big question, curiosity to poke conscience. However, the great king of the silence, he remembered the vows were spoken on the banks of the Gangga. If he rebuked or ask about something that is not pleasing to the queen, the Dewi Gangga will go. King Santanu choked back the question, he felt so uneasy. But is there any other choice but to continue to feel uneasy or he will lose his beloved consort. Until that day Santanu choose to continue to feel uneasy.

The next year when the queen was pregnant, King Santanu re delighted to await the next son's birth. However, the joy was again changed to profound sorrow. Dewi Gangga do the same when the delivery arrives. That beautiful woman to go to the banks of the Gangga River, looking for a sheltered place to give birth, when a sweet baby is born, she returned the baby without sin washed it into the Gangga. Dewi Ganga then returned to the palace with a peaceful face, as if he had never given birth to a baby and then washed into the stream. And Santanu returned silenced in a large sign, where babies have been born consort? Is there she reserves the right to ask?

This time King Santanu still keep his word, he was too dear to Dewi Gangga, was unable to be abandoned empress if he asks about something that offended him. Santanu still silent. However, until when the Great King may continue to fall silent, when the Dewi Gangga back to throw the baby into three, fourth, fifth, and seventh were born. Santanu could not continue to question marks, he is entitled to know how exactly the fate of the babies. Her children ....

When Dewi Gangga containing child to eight, arriving day delivery, quietly King Santanu supervise the behaviour of the Dewi Gangga, likewise when the empress stepped gracefully, leaving the palace to give birth on the banks of the Gangga. Unbeknownst to Dewi Gangga, King Santanu footsteps to follow where it goes. He hid behind a large tree when Gangga dying, gave birth to a baby without sin. Moments later a figure consort move to the river bank, holding a baby. King Santanu pounding heart, the heart beating faster and faster when he saw strange movements Dewi Gangga, she was preparing put the baby into the Gangga River.

"What effect?"

The question was so jolting, King Santanu pushing motion to immediately close, holding arms Dewi Gangga, before the baby to eight drift also in the stream. "Quite empress, presumably you can kill an innocent baby into the Gangga. Aware that you will act? "King Santanu sharp gaze stabbed, he missed on oath or she would no longer need to keep the oath. It requires answers to odd action empress.

On the other hand the Dewi Gangga was shocked, when at each other, King Santanu catch very deep hurt in the eyes of the beloved consort. The king's heart became so giddy, but what else could be done. She has the right cradling a baby to be raised as Puta Mahkotaa, he must have the heir to the throne. How cruel act of a mother who could take out a baby without sin into the Ganges. Who indeed beautiful daughter who has long been confirmed as the consort? King Santanu face red. The face was immediately turned pale, when firmly then the goddess Ganga say.

"The noble king Santanu, before the wedding Gangga had requested that the King never reprimand or prohibit any behaviour empress. However, it seems not strong enough Majesty holds promise, not why. Not a thing wrong when the king wants this baby, even if it means the king does not want the presence of the Ganges as empress. Thousands sorry sire, Dewi  Gangga is actually an angel who plays a grief behaviour, because of the oath Resi Wasistha. Eight people wasu had made a mistake and then get pasthu curse, forced to come into the world, asked me to presumably willing to become a mother. With the blessing of King Santanu, as a mother, Gangga gave birth to eight people wasu back into the world. On the virtues of the lord will have a glorious future in the afterlife. It turned out that all ended up here, the Gangga will bring to eight babies, nurture him until large enough. In time Dewi Ganga will submit this tiny baby to the king, how much we had loved each other and lived together in the palace ".

After saying those words, Dewi Gangga disappeared with the handsome baby is born, leaving King Santanu stood frozen in the cold breeze that feels very cruel. In a very short time consort of King Santanu loss, heart king felt so empty. He still had a glimmer of hope, waiting for the goddess Gangga with a baby at a time. Now he understands who the real queen consort, Goddess Ganga turned out to be an angel. An angel's story brought down to earth, on the banks of the Ganges in a red sunset that will never be erased from memory.

How is the real story?

One day, eight people wasu a walk in the mountains, each with a wife.
Mountains very peaceful atmosphere, is the towering mountains heavily fog colour white as cotton, gentle breeze rustled in the cool air touching green grass and a variety of wildflowers. There's nothing like the noise of human activity or trade, there is only silence. In this silence Resi Wasistha founded the hermitage, he chose to live for always closer to the Creator as dharma - devotion.

Eight people wasu referred visited the Hermitage also Resi Wasistha, but Sang Resi not standing still. The silence, in the court of handsome Nandini, domestic cattle grazing Sang Resi. Livestock was well maintained, Nandini so plump, clean, and benign, captivates the wasu wife. One wife wasu say.

"The beauty Nandini belongs the Resi, I'd love to have him", wife of  wasu looked Nandini with amazement, she has seen a variety of intentions cows, but never as beautiful as she saw the cow Nandini.

"Nandini is cow Resi Wasistha, he was going somewhere? Not good taking a Resi valuable livestock without permission. Resi Kesaktian Wasistha make a man who drank milk Nandini, may have eternal life. We are all immortal gods certainly, there was no point meanings Nandini milk. Let the cow was grazing, Resi Wasistha will drop a curse if we take it away, "a wasu answer wife's request, for fear of the curse that is going to happen.

"I have a very dear friend, he was human. I wanted to give him milk of Nandini so he lived an eternity. Catch Nandini then we go, Resi Wasistha will never know. Nandini milk is very valuable to a friend ", she does not heed the words of her husband, she Accordingly interested to Nandini milk without being aware of threats that can occur when he stole the cattle  Resi.

On the basis of the request was the eighth person wasu finally shoulder to shoulder catch with his son cow Nandini then took him away together without the permission of the Resi. Shortly after Nandini with his son to go with the wasu, Resi Wasistha back, quieter atmosphere of the Hermitage greed, nothing wrong. The Resi did get Nandini and her son in the court of the Hermitage. Nandini milk is always beneficial in any ceremonial offerings. Where the hell was beautiful cow?

Resi Wasistha wondered to himself, he needs answers. With the magic Resi Wasistha doing yoga, the more intense this time, he had to give punishment to the thief. Not difficult for Sag Resi, he immediately knew what had happened when he went, presumably eight wasu people have a walk in the mountains, stop at the Hermitage, attracted to the beauty of Nandini, took him away along with his son. Resi Wasistha very angry, nobody has the right to steal valuable possessions. In his anger Resi Wasistha say  pasthu curse for wasu.

"You are, wasu eight people who have stollen Nandini and calf will be born into the world, to live as human beings who are suffering. Accept punishment as a thief who had robbed treasures a receipt ".

Eight people wasu became afraid, because of the curse. They regret, but regret always comes at the wrong time. They come back to the Hermitage restore Nandini with the children who are born, pleading for mercy, "Thousands and forgiveness for our mistakes Resi, we return again Nandini", the voice was so weak, because of fear and wrong.

Curs pasthu have spoken, will take effect in time. I can not revoke, wasu runaway Nandini will live longer in the world in glory. Seven other wasu curse apart from this, soon after being born as a human being. I can no longer revoke this curse, except alleviate it, "Resi Wasistha wasu understand the fear, the anger subsided slightly, because Nandini has been returned anyway.

Resi Wasistha then meditate, he sat cross-legged, silent, catch your breath, focus, to defuse anger. A receipt that does asceticism –meditate can always get the power to give pasthu curse. However, when the said curse has spoken, the degree of sanctity achieved immediately reduced. Eight people were frightened wasu felt a little relieved, because the power of the curse will be softened, they went to see the goddess Ganga, begging.

"Thousands of our worship and devotion of eight wasu who always adored Batari. If we can invoke the aid ", eight people wasu greetings and respectful with reverent in the presence of the Dewi  Gangga, a  beautiful Batari and gentle heart.

"I received greetings and your coming eight wasu, but what can I do to fulfil your request?" Dewi Gangga’s voice soft and serene, breathtaking eight wasu it being so peaceful to hear the melodious sound of the Dewi Gangga, the Batari.

"We have made a mistake by stealing Nandini, holy cow of Resi Wasistha. Nandini has been refunded, but Resi Wasistha really angry,  give cursing pasthu. If Batari pleased, would presumably be a mother for us, down to Mayapada, married to a king. Later, one after the other of us would be born through the womb of Her Majesty. As soon as we are born, cast into the Gangga, so the curse pasthu was destroyed already, " the voice was so full of remorse, Dewi Gangga pause. She is not ruling rejected a petition concerning peace wasu lives of eight people. He was wise enough to meet demand, it only takes a few moments to answer after a long sigh.

"I understand how difficult it is, fulfil your request on one condition, never take anything into the rights of others except with his permission", the Dewi Gangga just briefly say, the meeting was ended.

The next day the Dewi Gangga down to earth, put herselves on the banks of the Gangga River, dusk beautiful and impressive enhance her beauty, then King Santanu immediately fell in love at first sight. The meeting, which immediately goes into the great marriage, the birth of the first child and seventh were always washed away into the  Gangga River in accordance with the request of eight people affected wasu pasthu curse. An action that raises a big question mark for the King Santanu, because he never knows where the origin of the Dewi Gangga, why did she accept the request to be the wife of a king

When a baby is born to eight, King Santanu could no longer resist the temptation to stop acts that according to his opinion Dewi Gangga is very cruel. So Dewi Ganga go along with the tiny infant to eight, leaving Santanu alone on the banks of the Ganges. Santanu had broken a promise not to ask or prohibit any behaviour Dewi Gangga.

The great king felt complete solitude after the Dewi Gangga disappeared with a baby in her arms. Santanu cosh resist, he must be willing to be left alone, the wind was colder biting. Hearts King Santanu feels so empty, he loved a woman who conceals its origin, love does make the heart become blind eye. Now he has to sit alone on the throne without a consort, the arduous task as a king can not be abandoned even the Dewi Gangga had gone to a place very far away and never to return again.

King Santanu more often take time for spiritual life to have the inner strength, he barely left the worldly pleasures, reigned more wisely, promoting prosperity for their people. However, he was never able to forget the figure of the Dewi  Gangga, an empress-faced handsome charming heart.

To entertain themselves at times of King Santanu stroll down to the banks of the Gangga, he always remembers the day of the meeting, memorable moments that ended with a long farewell without end and secretly hurt him. The king's eyes stare so much at a map that can not be visited or actually Santanu tah know where actually a pair of eyes staring, but will miss the figure of the Dewi Gangga who hurt him.

Suddenly King Santanu stunned, he stared at the sweet-faced boy, well-built like a knight candidate. Boy's skin looked so smooth under light sheen twilight, a pair of sharp eyes, but clear as dew. The arrow stretching his tiny hands, with all confidence to shoot targets far in front of him. The boy was covered with an aura of pomp and grandeur Devendra, king of the gods and god. He was alone, without a nanny or bodyguard, but he had the courage to present himself on the banks of the Gangga. King Santanu was amazed to see a boy looked as if the young knight, he recalled the seven infants were swept away in the Gangga River, never returned to the palace, he remembered the tiny baby who was brought up and go by the Dewi Gangga to a place that can not be visited, even in his dreams though. King Santanu slowly approaching, he wanted to lend a hand, greeted the handsome boy. However, the pace suddenly stopped. Now standing in front of a body, a face that is always remembered as the day and night came and went following the circle of the sun. Lovely face, the face of the goddess Ganga, King Santanu holding their breath, as if he knew the next breath the woman he loves will soon go away.

Dewi Gangga smiled gently fitting a grand empress are on the whole devotion to the king. Her voice melodious when it says, "The Majesty, indeed twilight still lovely to come back met. He is our son, Dewabrata, according to the promise me back to arrange a meeting with His Majesty. Dewabrata has been adept at working out a weapon, mastering the science of war, has a similar magic with Parasurama. He has studied the Vedas and the Vedanta philosophy of Resi Wasistha. Our son Dewabrata understand anyway arts, witchcraft Sanjiwini controlled Shukra. Meet Dewabrata, Bring up in court life, someday he would become a knight and prime minister ", Dewi Gangga just instantly present on the banks of the Gangga, she kept her promise to hand over to a son of King Santanu. A son is very handsome, his presence in the palace would change their life histories Baratha descent. After the utter figure of the goddess Ganga disappeared, leaving King Santanu still standing without a word, he tried searching for her image of a loved one, but the figure of the Dewi Gangga right now no.

Atmosphere hollow back hit the recesses of the great king, the Dewi Gangga no longer deign to live as empress, she returned to her place, life will not be visited. Santanu took a deep breath, he felt a similar loss when the goddess Ganga take leave while bringing along all eight babies born. What can he do except feel lost? However, nearby now stands a boy ably devastating heart. Santanu know, he was not really himself, he now has a crown prince who has the right to pass on the throne. Slowly lips of the king smiled, a pair of hands swell, an instant later Dewabrata was in his arms.

King Santanu now a father.

Continue to MAHABHARATA --The Great Epic of India, 3 Bhisma ....

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

MAHABHARATA --The Great Epic of India, 1

The Beginning

The forest was very dense, are trees towering into the sky with a solid rod. Green leaves turn a beautiful colour strength and reassuring, but there is no sound of water splashing, even from creeks smallest. The land around the forest was littered with boulders, no living thing can survive, except for miscellaneous beast, the king of the jungle, snake, elephant, buffalo, rhino, and so forth. Throughout the period of this jungle atmosphere filled with silence, a sign of life or the smoke without form almost never appear. Without courage, no one was able to set foot in this dense forest.

But that day in the middle of the jungle atmosphere seemed to change, in contrast to a typical day. Is Dushmanta, a mighty king boned, handsome, always take the time to hunt forest animals, showing courage. Of course, The King is not alone, he went hunting with a group of soldiers to conquer the selection of an elephant. A group of tents appeared to be standing in the middle of a forest, under the lush foliage, the wind so fresh and friendly, from the fireplace smoke billowing publish aroma.

Not far from the tent was erected King Dushmanta select duel with soldiers amid crept to spear a group of elephants. He is a king who has been trained in combat once hunting, spear penetrated successfully ejected a large body. The beast growled with strange sounds as if want to wake the whole jungle, elephants were another surprise. Spear kept fluttering injured elephants, lying there dead, there were running to save themselves, others strike back. The hunt so exciting, challenging and bleeding.

Similarly raging elephant wounding a soldier and then a more others, hunters have devised formation. Soldiers continued to pursue the attackers, helping shield soldier wounded colleagues. The ambience of dense forest that originally silent with no signs of life, has become delirious. In an atmosphere like this king might Dushmanta feel as though life as a king, he challenged the danger with the possibility of safely and come out as winners. He did not feel himself obliged to lose, he had to get everything she wants, including winning the hunt.

While one after the elephant collapsed, dying and injured, solar rays slowly become extinguished, red coals in the western sky, preparing to sink. The air became cool, ahead of the cold. A king understand, when hunting most intriguing though should be terminated, changes in the sun is always as a marker. "Enough of our hunting this time, all returned to the camp".

The word of a king is a command, every movement stopped hunting, now everyone feels so tired, some soldiers moaned in pain, another soldier still cared for healing. Slowly, but surely the King Dushmanta led the way back to the tent for a  rest, enjoy the game. Tonight was glowing in the heat of a campfire in the middle of the dense forest when the air was cold. Above the stars scattered as sheen diamonds. King Dushmanta very fond of this atmosphere, momentarily leaving the magnificent royal palace life and exhausting affair, back to nature as hunters atmosphere wins.

The next day the group moved across the vast grasslands, as far as the eye could see was green savannah seemed limitless horizon. There was no sound whatsoever in the vast meadow except galloping herd of horses' hooves thundering blow away the dust, then vacuum. King Dushmanta together all soldiers ultimately arrive at a settlement, welcomed the local community with all due respect.

"All honour to the king with all the soldiers who have deigned to stop in our village were away. If the king is pleased to be able to be met with Rishi Kanwa who settled in the middle of the woods, he was a recluse illustrious ", a civilian, to welcome it and show a more appropriate place for a king to take a rest after a long journey.

"Okay, thank you. Now me and all soldiers will soon be heading to the hermitage ", the sound echoing Dushmanta steady and authoritative. For a moment he stared at it with the eyes of the villagers thanked then rode as fast as he can spur leading to the hermitage of Rishi Kanwa before dusk.

The trip did not prevent trouble, the hermitage of Rishi Kanwa easily achieved. Arriving at the gate Dushmanta ordered soldiers to take a rest, set up a tent, he wanted to see receipts alone to give respect at a time of purification. The footsteps of the King as strong as his figure, The King’s heart instantly feels comfortable. Resi Kanwa spacious courtyard overgrown with various plants lush with ripe fruits hanging, ready to be picked, miscellaneous flower petal bloom spreading fragrance. A small creek with very clear water as a natural sound that gives a sense of peace. King Dushmanta instant oblivious to the frenzied atmosphere of the hunt, he was sucked into a different atmosphere that makes his soul was at peace. The King walked on foot to reach the door of the hermitage.

"Hail and greetings from King Astina, Dushmanta" Dushmanta voice resonated throughout the Hermitage, but the figure Rishi Kanwa not seem rushed to welcome him. Rolling a few moments of silence, until finally the King Dushmanta surprised by the presence of a girl dressed in hermit.

"Yours is a noble king Dushmanta, is there anything I can do for my lord", the voice was so soft and clear, spoken of a girl dressed in understated. But however simple clothes, tall figure swathed in white skin with jet black hair can not be hidden.

Dushmanta blood drained, it was unexpected in this beautiful hermitage where he will meet with a cute girl with a soft voice plaintive. Dushmanta’s heart tight, he could see a pair of beautiful eyes, clear river water on the edge of the Hermitage. Is there he was dreaming? Dushmanta kept staring at the beautiful girl, he realized that his whole body shook, there are forces that continue to push to not distract the eye.

"Are you the daughter of Rishi Kanwa?" After stunned Dushmanta finally asked with a doubt in the heart, not a sage never married throughout life, how well he could have a daughter?

"Please pardon Sir, I am Syakuntala, the adopted son of Resi Kanwa", the noise was still melodious, soft pair of eyes staring at the figure of King Dushmanta Syakuntala amazement. I can not imagine, after so many lonely and long, she will be met with a king. Such a ruling was never able to meet in a dream lovely though, now the gallant figure is obviously standing right in front of him. However, Syakuntala raised a sage, she was too clever to simply mastered herself, in the presence of a great king though.

"How can you be in this hermitage?" King Dushmanta sigh of relief, Resi Kanwa lived with a beautiful girl in this place is not a mistake. The young king's gaze remained attached to the face of a peaceful, beautiful as the full moon when the stars shine resplendent. Dushmanta must realize, he had fallen in love at first sight of the foster child's Resi Kanwa. He felt fragrant petals bloom in the courtyard of the monastery, now blooming in the garden too careful.

"A long story My Lord, but let's please when Her Majesty is pleased to sit, unwind", graceful arm Syakuntala Raja Muda let it sit on a mat that simple. Secretly Dushmanta felt as though her body flew, he never felt like this, so happy and honoured to be alone with a beautiful girl who just knew.

"Tell me about yourself?" How would like Dushmanta embrace Syakuntala into his arms, but he is still in power refrain. He was a king, bound by too many ordinances in the act.

"The story is long sire, if my lord is pleased to hear", Syakuntala do not want to cover the authenticity of himself, he has no right to lie in front of a king, whatever the consequences.

"I do not mind to hear it", King Dushmanta really interested in the story of life Syakuntala, he can not choose the wrong, he continued to stare at the face of pretty Saykuntala, while the beautiful girl later recalled.

In the past, there was a man named Viswamitra who was never satisfied with the miracle. He kept a solemn penance, so Batara Indra fear, if
imprisoned Viswamitra succeeded, it would have supernatural powers toppled his throne in Indrtaloka. Batara Indra call Dewi Menaka, ruled fairies to tempt Viswamitra. Dewi Menaka initially feel heavy, because it is a powerful Wismamitra strong and grumpy. He born as a warrior, but as a virtue, dharma, and magic, then it becomes a brahmin. He was able to make an earthquake, because of his anger. If the seductive goddess Menaka should be assisted Maruta, the wind god who spread the fragrance of trees and Manamatha, the god of love. Dewi Menaka then meet Viswamitra at the Hermitage, carrying out orders Batara Indra, teasing the powerful ascetic. When the middle of the two, suddenly the wind blew hard unveil Dewi Menaka soft cloth, revealing a pair of calf wonderful tub containing rice grains. Viswamitra stunned. She thought the wind would stop blowing, but getting stronger gusts blow away the whole outfit Dewi Menaka. The lovely lady changed as gold stunned doll, pretending to want to pursue the clothing, because of embarrassment.

Viswamitra liver quiver, he knew had failed imprisoned, beauty is so plain without makeup simplest, Menaka appeared in a state as it is, elegant and charming. Hermitage special atmosphere immediately incandescent by the flames of love, Viswamitra turn away from its original purpose. He did not want to again imprisoned, he chose to marry a beautiful princess who suddenly appeared, naked in the wind. Now, they are husband and wife.

There's nothing like long ago Dewi Menaka branch containing a baby in her womb, nine months after the pregnancy was Menaka went to the edge of the Malini River Valley in the Himalayas. The atmosphere in the valley is very beautiful, is an overgrown meadow flowers, extremely cold air, in the distance the white fog always marched as a soft white blanketed mountains neck. Malini river water flowing from upstream toward peace offshore, on the banks of this river Menaka gave birth to a baby girl. With the heart of beautiful women that leave the baby without sin by the river, she returned to the heaven where the original came from, leaving the marriage anyway. Her job has been successfully tempting Viswamitra, hermit it failed to reach the highest magic power, would not be able to overthrow the throne Batara Indra.

Babies without sin was lying on the riverbank is protected birds Shakuntala, Resi Kanwa merciful toward a baby without a mother. He saved that beautiful baby, name Syakuntala accordance with the middle name of protecting birds at the first time he found it. Resi Kanwa wise raising Syakuntala if the girl is his child, so that the girl has now grown into a beautiful girl.

"I do not need to question of where exactly you came from, now you are a Syakuntala beautiful girl", a moment Dushmanta stop words, there is a rumbling in my chest. He was convinced, would never be able to leave this hermitage without getting love Shakuntala. He was a king, for her abstinence do not get something right he pleases, but he must say in the ordinance.

"If there is a request, and you do not mind?" Gently Dushmanta reached up, he immediately felt the leather is very soft cast fragrances. Both are now so close, almost without distance.

"Thousands of forgiveness, whether the request Sire, probably servants to meet", Syakuntala is a beautiful girl who grew up with manners by a hermit, he quite understands the feelings of the great king, but he needs a statement. Any girl who is not privileged to have the honour of a visit and the friendly attitude of a king.

"Without an empress palace was silent, if willing, today also I'm asking you to marry, so that the silence will not be felt anymore. We will be married in Gandharva ", King Dushmanta could no longer restrain himself, he offers with very severe consequences. Gandharva is a marriage without a witness, except for two loving hearts.

Shakuntala almost jumped, gentle face that managed to hide the surprise. "Should not we wait for a receipt that while central picking fruit in faraway places", Syakuntala can not imagine a result of marriage without witnesses, the worst possible marriage the husband can deny it later. However, how it will be able to resist the desire of a king, she felt cornered, even though his heart refused to not get too Raja Dushmanta. Is there a girl who does not intend to become an empress?

"Why must wait for my father? A human being is always entitled to myself, she is entitled to all the action and is responsible for that action. Gandharva marriage is the most appropriate for the situation as it is today, do not hesitate. A king will never retract his words. You are the consort of my choice ", King Dushmanta staring Shakuntala with any hope, it really would not leave without marriage Gandharva hermitage.


There was no sound anything except dry autumn leaves in the wind. Shakuntala faced with a difficult choice. She was not able to refuse a request for a king, but married without witnesses. What if in the future Dushmanta denying this marriage.
On the other hand, Dushmanta more fascinated, how much more beautiful the face of this vacillating.

"Or you there have the same requirements, before accepting this proposal?" Dushmanta approached, he could inhale the delicate aroma of each segment of the girl's body, his blood drained. Shakuntala grips on the palms closer and closer, as if he was about to let go even if fastest hit.

Shakuntala looked away, she knew could never refuse a request for a king, even if he had to suffer such a severe and perhaps one day will not be able to bear it. However, how can he dodge? Requirements might cause Dushmanta to reconsider his courtship. "A thousand pardon your majesty, if children are born will become the servant of the crown prince and is entitled to the throne, I will consider the marriage of Gandharva".

"A queen will certainly give birth to babies who would succeed me as a king. I accept your terms? "Smile Dushmanta expands, he never felt happy, as now, his stocky float at altitudes between white clouds. Shakuntala, beautiful girl will be his wife by Gandharva marriage.

Without waiting longer king Dushmanta and adopted daughter of an ascetic, Syakuntala hand in hand, around the sacred fire, give spell, establishing itself as husband and wife. Gandharva ceremony passed quickly, then tore Dushmanta and Syakuntala most amazing night under the dim light of lanterns increasingly fading evening. Both were swept away in a long togetherness when the longer nights getting cooler, without sound. Dushmanta felt the whole flow of his blood boil, he has uncovered the secrets of the deepest never understood before meeting with Shakuntala. If the night will never end ....

However, the most thrilling night though would have arrived at the edges, light golden in colour dawn broke through the slit green leaves, dew dripping beads, gentle breeze rustled spread the aroma of wet earth. With regret Dushmanta Gandharva marriage should end the evening, he had to return with a group of soldiers, long journey, back to the palace, carrying out the responsibilities as a king.

"If I could stay with you in this hermitage, but a group of soldiers waiting outside the gate, I had to go back to the palace. Rest assured, there will come the palace guard to take you as consort to the king of the city. Once again I would never deprive the word of a king ", Syakuntala melted in the arms Dushmanta, once again she could not escape, as when the King asked for the marriage of  Gandharva. Now, anxiety attack quicker than the prescribed time limit. After he gave dharma in the most beautiful night of a lifetime, King Dushmanta take leave so quickly back to the palace.

What can be said?

Shakuntala only silence to King Dushmanta pack up, leave the door of the hermitage, and never looked back. Happy too quickly turn into hollow and uncertain yield expectations, the beautiful girl sitting cross-legged in a chaotic mind. Erratic mood, so when Resi Kanwa come, Syakuntala not pick courage to welcome the presence of it, he fell silent without a word. He did not feel confident, really one of Puru dynasty will come to pick up, sign him worthy of a queen?

Resi Kanwa, ascetic sacred and noble it immediately captures the changes in his adopted daughter. The innocent girl seemed troubled, no longer feel confident with the days that have been and must be passed. He did not need to ask, Resi Kanwa has been understood, he could stare at the man who was far hidden in the recesses of the heart.

"Syakuntala, a truly beloved child, nothing ever you do without my knowledge. Not why, Gandharva marriage between a king Puru dynasty and the daughter of a recluse, the true presence. You did not do anything wrong, Gandharva is the best ceremony for a knight. Dushmanta is the great and wise king, who would you born child would become a formidable and renowned prince. In time he will reign as King of the House of Puru "Resi Kanwa voice so smooth, as the wind when the sun burns so hot. He knew Syakuntala faced with a difficult choice when alone dealing with a king.

Shakuntala sobbing, she did not intend to go beyond the marriage without the blessing of my father, but how unlikely circumvent the request of King Dushmanta. She only girl of a hermit who must undergo destiny, whatever happens after marriage without a witness. Reverently Shakuntala washed Resi Kanwa’s legs, how much he is indebted to the wise man. "Thousands of mercy father, I am asked for prayers for this marriage, provide prayer and blessing for all people  Puru", sound Shakuntala weak and broken, her heart was torn, that Resi Kanwa does not catapult rage for marriage without witnesses is a miracle.

"It must give consent for marriage as well as the presence of King Dushmanta husband also all the people Puru. Now, no more do you want? "Resi Kanwa looked at her foster children with a view full of love, he did feel sorry for the fate of a baby whose mother had been abandoned on the riverbank.

"Servant asks that Kings Kauravas, King's descendant of the House of Puru will always have the glory and the power to forever", Syakuntala bowed her head, holding a puddle of tears, she asks too much of this ascetic, but to whom he could ask?

"Syakuntala fulfill your request, now do not you feel sad. My prayers will always be with you ", Rishi Kanwa choose the best words to give strength to the only girl who has been raised. He sure every prayer said over the Creator, he knows the power of prayer.

Then the beautiful Syakuntala back through the day as it was, he took care of the rest of the Hermitage well. Green leaf shade ripe still grow a variety of fruits, flower colour is so beautiful flooded the morning dew, the sound of the river water sound beside the hermitage provide enduring natural atmosphere. Shakuntala wait Ponggawa palace came to pick up, but until the fetus in the womb were increasingly enlarged at the age of pregnancy, nobody came to pick up delegates.

Is there a King Dushmanta have forgotten the promise?

Shakuntala still waiting, she was dying for the baby without sin should come into the world without the presence of one who is most responsible for the birth. The young mother was still to be patient and remain patient until the tiny baby continues to grow into a boy, sitting, standing, walking and then running. The little boy inherited the valour of his father and the beauty of the mother, it should be Syakuntala feel happy blessed with a child who is handsome and agile. However, when in fact the messenger Dushmanta will come for an appointment. Children born is a prince, he was empress, she could not stay with my father, a hermit. He did dharma of a wife towards her husband.

Resi Kanwa gradually understand the turmoil, he often get Syakuntala stood in the doorway with the attitude of waiting. But the waiting was ended in vain, nobody came Ponggawa palace. Resi Kanwa must wisely determine the attitude, one day at dusk slowly extinguished, blazing sun trembled in the dim light of nature, the wise old man opened the conversation. "My daughter Syakuntala, has long you become a wife in a marriage of Gandharva with a king, but you do not live in the palace. There is a gap that prevents dharma wife. You have to wait, but until today nobody palace messenger comes, perhaps King Dushmanta too busy with the affairs of the kingdom. Your child should know better a father, go to the palace. My prayers are always with you ", Rishi Kanwa give you a hint, it is likely the worst, King Dushmanta deny the marriage, he did not admit Syakuntala as a wife. However, whatever the possibility should remain manageable, so Syakuntala can determine the attitude. The favourite child no longer have to wait, wait it must be terminated.

For a moment silence, even the most gentle breeze was as reluctant to rustle. Shakuntala should be aware, that during three years of troubled hearts can never be denied, however, continued to wait, causing a most patient and loving even be sunk into boredom. Words Resi Kanwa true, she must present to the court, she should be able to test the truth of the promise of a king. Is there Dushmanta just utter or as a king he would never retract his words. Three years this promise was not fulfilled, he had ventured now demanding the right as consort. Shakuntala staring eyes shady father, years she had grown up because this ascetic virtue. Now, she had to take leave to go, Resi Kanwa not want to throw her out, but she had to put an end to the anticipation and validate the promise of a king.

"So my father think? True servants of weary waiting, I will obey the words of my father with a request for a blessing. We wish His Majesty King Dushmanta would never break a promise, even if in three years the servant did not also get the assurance ", Syakuntala says softly, lifetimes he never left this peaceful place, but for a good reason, he should go and maybe not will never go back. Beautiful women are now aware of the painful sense of separation, but is there she had a choice? After marriage of  Gandharva she was a queen, the child born is a prince, someday she would be a king reigned over the blessing prayer. All that could happen if Dushmanta keeping promises. That means Syakuntala have to put yourself to accept two things contrary, king Dushmanta will never lick his words or vice versa, pretending not to know after a successful request Gandharva wonderful evening it was. Shakuntala understand, she will be faced with the days that are not easy to simultaneously determine the destiny of forever, the only attitude that should be strengthened is to develop courage. She is no longer a little girl, she was an empress. He must be prepared for two things at the same time and a very different atmosphere since the appointment of the King came out.

The next day Syakuntala take leave, a thousand feelings of rage, a lot of beautiful women did not say, except thank you for the blessing and prayer requests so that this trip will be until the end of operation. Some sages accompany his departure, a young mother and a child is not safe alone in a long journey. This time it was the first trip Syakuntala, days Together, they pass on the way, through the woods, past the  green grass, cross the river until it reached the palace of King Dushmanta.

Women's heart was beating when passing through the gate of a magnificent palace, heavily guarded. Two bodyguards escorted her to appear before His Majesty the King. Shakuntala never imagined one day in his life journey to visit this beautiful place. Behind the gate is a magnificent building, towering with solid walls, brilliant colours, flower gardens spread fragrant flower petals. Secretly Shakuntala be daunted, how will the King Dushmanta attitude of his presence? He has held with courage, whatever is going to happen later, if bad possibility must be faced.

Footsteps Shakuntala ended up in a hall where the King Dushmanta reigns on the throne surrounded by bodyguards and the choice of ministers. The pillars of the palace so magnificent, everything is in the hall is the beautiful, sparkling like a glass palace floor. Shakuntala sitting cross-legged with a small boy remained in an embrace, she give worship.
"Respect and homage to His Majesty the King Dushmanta,  a slave Syakuntala daughter’s of Resi Kanwa, a hermit", Syakuntala a glance at the face of the great Dushmanta, her complain, the gaze was as if she never knew her.

"I accept and respect  Syakuntala, far journey from the hermitage, word exactly what you want to say?" The king looked into the pretty face  Syakuntala, he would not forget the face winsome though only wrapped understated clothes. He forgot one important thing concerning the promise, but how well he had to admit when he was enthroned on a throne in the presence of all ministers and courtiers. The presence of this woman quietly shocking the heart, Syakuntala turned out to have the courage, when he never ruled Ponggawa palace to pick up, then today he comes without a letter of invitation. And who is the handsome boy who never separated from the hug? Dushmanta took a deep breath, he must accept the consequences of an act.

"A thousand pardon your majesty, whether glorious majesty would have forgotten that day, three years ago?" Shakuntala gather courage to say, anything to answers a king. It requires a certainty, though it would be a bitter taste.

The atmosphere in the great hall suddenly silent, each court officials who were present looked at each other with an unspoken question. Who is the woman beautiful and humble? Whatever happened three years ago? Why had he dared to ask him a king with a handsome boy in her hand?

Dushmanta sighed, he had dodged a responsibility, he never forgot the beautiful night three years ago when for the first time he fell in love with a woman, love at first meeting. However, her royal duties inevitable so long, if he had been promised to immediately send an envoy. He did not need to meet with Syakuntala in an atmosphere like this, the king's mind was working hard, he had to get away out.

"Syakuntala, or anyone else's name. Every woman in this kingdom can suddenly present in the hall and then asked me to remember the events that have recently occurred. Certainly not as easy for me to forget. But is there any evidence you have ", Dushmanta say as calmly as possible, he needs to keep the self-image even in a precarious situation and not get profit.

On the other hand Syakuntala down, he had earned a bad sign, and now the King asked for proof. Evidence of what he had, but he and the king had sworn in Gandharva marriage, except the belief in dharma and the testimony of the gods, the Creator, he has no proof, die or explicit. Swished her blood, she does not want and will win talked with such a ruling. However, he still has a piece of time for silence, to ask the Creator to be a marriage without witness Gandharva three years ago. Shakuntala hold back the tears that began inundated, with stumbling utter.

"Hopefully Dushmanta, the Great King that always wise to get a high degree and glory. True servants had no evidence, especially a letter on palm leaves. Servant just is tired of waiting. If the king is pleased, would not be a king forgetting appointments. However, when the promise was just a sweetener tongue is wasted after desire is achieved, let the servant go back to the monastery, "the voice sounded like moans, quietly Dushmanta goosebumps, he faced a tough choice. Time suddenly changed into a pair of bars are close together, clamping negligence ever done. Shakuntala presence in this place was a mistake. However, he was a king, he never "innocent".

"If witnesses are all Gods, then ask him to say, so that the whole hall can trust", King Dushmanta want this moment soon passed, he did not want disturbed by the presence of a woman. His rule is so broad concerns the life and death of the royal household, he just simply say, then say it will soon become a reality.

"May the great gods would prove the truth of the noble King speech, the servant only son of a recluse, not common to give force to a king", Syakuntala aware unwelcome presence in this hall, all officials looked at him strangely. Suddenly he felt a stranger, he missed a peaceful atmosphere at the Hermitage when everyone who is in this place would say hello politely and looked at her with compassion. After giving worship the beautiful confluence resign, attitudes and sayings of King Dushmanta has changed as if a sharp knife that slashed right in the gut causing the pain. The great king has denied marriage of Gandhara with the language. She was too small to simply restore the memory of King, she was like a beggar. Dreams to life as empress shatter evaporate along with cold sweat dripping. Shakuntala feel her whole body shaking. Floor palace sparkling like glass as if to shake, ready to divide, to swallow fragile body, then shut back so that she never come again to this place.

All of the hall stared at the figure walking down Syakuntala bear defeat, none dared to say. They never exist between a king and Syakuntala, they still wonder. While King Dushmanta remained seated on a throne, lofty in oversized clothes and beautiful lustre. How wanted he came down from the throne holding a pair of soft hands Syakuntala, but both are in the wrong time-space. Dushmanta froze, his tongue failed to say, tasted bitter. He was sorry, but what is to be done.

Silence hung extremely long in the great hall to figure Syakuntala moving away. Some inch step for Syakuntala feels much longer than waiting for the three years ended in vain. However, now he has been able to take a stand, he would not wait, he would raise a child without a family. The woman still has residual power to hold back a flood of tears, there will be a time to cry, ask the Creator for this injustice. Air suddenly become so cold slicing pores, Syakuntala step as if floating. However, before Syakuntala reach the first rung, miraculously suddenly heard a voice.

"King of the Great Dushmanta, fulfil your request, proof of the marriage between you and Syakuntala Gandhara three years ago at the Hermitage. I am the witness, after three out waiting Syakuntala ask for certainty, because a wife can not continue to wait, he needed a father for the baby is born. The handsome boy is a child of a great soul who would become known as Bharata, worshipped. If wasted Syakuntala and Bharata, you will be struck by catastrophe. Shakuntala not lie ....! "

Miraculously also sounds then disappear, silence enveloped the whole hall, split shortly afterwards when King Dushmanta utter a resounding "All the ministers, priests and court officials, all have heard the evidence of marriage Gandhara between me as a king and a female child hermit named Shakuntala, I deliberately asked for proof that in the future nothing ever happens denial, because this is only true marriage witnessed only the bride and groom. I accept Syakuntala as empress and as a descendant of Bharata Dushmanta ", the great king was a sigh of relief, he has come out with a victory in the narrow gap that nearly threw him from a height. Indeed, he never could lull love to Syakuntala very deep, and how handsome boy who is born.

While Shakuntala immediately halt before going down the stairs, he sighed let go of burdens and possibilities, the Great Gods seem to always protect dharma and honesty of heart. Dreams of becoming an empress finally reach back, not much distance stretched between joy and sorrow, between sad and happy. Bhatara, tiny baby born alive should be the crown prince, the future will be enthroned as king. Shakuntala turned into a pale face flushed red, wet eyes glowing as if the tears now as stars in altitude. Women seemed to fly with the wind when I felt a pair of hands gently clasped the burly King Dushmanta palms were cold. Long and tiring journey does not end in vain.

The next day King Dushmanta ordered a welcoming ceremony for the queen and the crown prince. Grand ceremony was the beginning of a long story. Request Syakuntala to Resi Kanwa, so that the descendants of the House of Puru will receive protection as great kings granted. The Resi proved the power of prayer, because of his supernatural powers. At a later descendant of Bharata really become a great nation, Bharata lowered too mighty kings. One of the king was Santanu.


Continue to ..... MAHABHARATA --The Great Epic of India,2