Saturday, November 5, 2016


One time I invited Zhani, young photographers to create a profile photo. In certain circumstances required to ensure the images themselves, who actually behind a presence

A S M A T --One Afternoon on the Side Porch

Dusk, the time elapsed in a moment when the sun inclines in the western sky, be the most appropriate time for shooting. This time, Zhani snapped next to the house as the images myselves. Year next year the situation will change, when no longer young age


In Front of The Jew

With My Nikon


With My Angel

"Over there....."

 In 2014 the first child will soon return to Yogya to continue the study, leaving the place of birth. However he was born in the land of Asmat, where his parents migrated to ethnographic studies. Time he had to take leave, visiting traditional house, say "goodbye" to come back at a time

With Ansel

Still With My Angel

Always Together

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A S M A T --Onafai Village, Joerat District

On The Boat

 Onafai village located some distance from the river mouth, fish auction place a long-standing, looked desolate inactivity. Soil conditions in this ward is different from Omor Village  that supports the growth of food crops. People still go to the forest to file sago as their staple food. While people make salted fish, set up a small stall. The rest are awaited sustainable development for the welfare of society

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

A S M A T--Omor Village, Joerat District

Sitting in The Wooden Bridge

Omor village is located right in the line of Arafura Beach, reached about one hour thirty minutes by speed boat, go through waves and waves. The position of the region in the northern part of the district causing soil conditions are much better. People do not have to draw on sago as everyday staples, fertile soils provide bananas and cassava as a staple food. Fish available on the high seas, was arrested as a side dish to eat every time. all plant species flourish because of a cold hand. Omor village has a specification bil compared with villages Asmatt other

The Boat

Wooden Brigde

Dews on The Banana Leaf

Cassava Leaves

Young Peneapple

Mother and Kid

Sepatu Flower

