Saturday, October 8, 2016

A S M A T --Cultural Festival to 31, Traditional Dancing

Dancing Under The Rain

 Cultural Festival before the opening of the 31st sudden rains. Life takes place in the middle of a tropical rain forest is always wet with rainfall that falls throughout the year. Rain gives the impression impressive for all the dancers are still dancing in the rain accompanied by the rhythm of beating drums. However, the rain did not last long, hot air seared soon became cool. Opening ceremony followed, ending with a cultural parade that gets rave reviews from the public.

Asmat Traditional Dancing


The Dancer

Beorpit --Gentleman

Traditional Dancer Cloth

Teweraut --Beautifull Woman

A S M A T --Opening Cultural Festival to 31, October 7th, 2016

Asmat Traditionil Dancing

Dancing Under The Rain

Bishop of the Diocese of Agats - Asmat Mgr. Aloysius OFM Murwito with Regent Asmat, Elisa Kambu, S.Sos, Open Cultural Festival  to 31

Cultural Festival Comitee

Yakobus, The Dancer

Mrs. Carolina Kambu, The wife Asmat Regent

Asmat Traditional Make Up

Still in The Opening Ceremony

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

ASMAT --Cultural Festival to 31, Oktober 6th - 11st, 2016

ASMAT, Cultural Festival to 31
Wednesday, October 5, 2016, the selection of which will be auctioned carvings have been opened. Carvers and artisans from 19 districts of Asmat have flocked to Agats city to include handicrafts and carvings. Cultural Festival this year answered longing annual event was canceled last year because of El Nino which causes lack of water.

Solawaku --shield motif



Noken --Backpack