Thursday, June 16, 2016


The Drummer

By: Bonifasius Jakfu

Music is an art that is a very important element in the life of tribes. Art music provides comfort while emphasizing the character and identity of a tribe. Through art people from various ethnic music expresses feelings with typical rhythmic patterns and melodic. Expression of feelings of grief in mourning in the rhythm of the music is mellow, in contrast to the rhythm of the music of thanksgiving on achievement achievements fast rhythmic life. As for romance sing the different musical rhythms in the rhythm of the soft plaintive. Community Asmat means diverse feelings through art by playing various types of musical instruments. Variety of musical instruments referred to is (1). Em --Tifa, (2). Fu --trumpet bamboo, (3). Ci Pokom -sound knock the boat, (4) Sini Ufu  --Bia Leather.

Em --Tifa--

Disclosure feelings through the art of musical instruments by using drums, either dominant or complementary played by some tribes in Indonesia, especially Papua and Maluku, as well as some of the tribes around the Pacific Ocean. Each tribe has its specifications in the delivery drum ornament according to local indigenous knowledge. As one means of musical art in the traditional Asmat, drums played by certain people who have a position in the typical style on an agreed ritual of the whole community for generations. In traditional rituals or dance and sound art, musicians and singers em --Tifa customary uses five to seven drums. Em cadence is varied, influenced by the size of the said em size. Em or large-sized drums are constructed in such a way to produce lower sounds. While medium-sized em constructed to produce tones that range between soprano and alto. Em small intentionally designed to produce sound/sound highest --tenor.

Hereditary Asmat community also has a provision that requires the creator and drummer drums always follow the customary provisions, although substantially the provisions of the said unwritten. The provisions referred involves choosing the type of wood, animal skins, a period of manufacture, the manufacturing technique, and herb skin adhesive. Asmat community consists of 12 clumps, each clump settling on the position and geographical conditions are different. With indigenous and remote geographical position, type of wood used to make the base material is also different drums. Community Asmat Joerat clumps that settle in the village of Jani using koar os os -Wooden fabric and jeep, be cultured wood species ancestral to make drums. These tree species grow naturally in brackish swamp forests with different distribution locations. --Other Koar timber grown inland around jif se –peat area, wood jeep grow and be more easily found on the banks of river or coastal areas. Basic selection according to the type of timber father Urbanus Fuin of village Botarpes - Jani is a sacred value conservation efforts, because it is the mandate of the first musicians' artists namely Fumiripits. That is, that the basic ingredients of the drums used by Fumiripits in Turkish Owap known as the drums were able to turn human talisman is a wooden statue --Other koar. It is said that the drums mascot used by Fumiripits --the legend is giving -war birds, the giver of life-force of the river upstream Owap. Thus, the basic ingredients of this sacred drums musical instruments. While wood joep also a mandate of the ancestors who have their own mystical story.

Other provisions that must be obeyed by the Asmat community in creating leather drums are pounding sound triggers. In the tradition of animal skin Asmat has a very important function as a source of sound, especially the lizard skin. Lizard skin cult local community. Logically type of lizard skin relatively thin and soft, easily drawn when to be installed to regulate the high-low tone. To get a good quality leather, lizard skin dried in the sun for about four days with evaporation techniques. Lizard skin laid on the lounge fireplace, smoke billowing from a fire waiting to dry up the skin.

Musical instruments drums supplementary material that is no less important was chalk white, fresh human blood, resin. White chalk is made of leather slug burned and then smoothed by mashing up to be a clean white powder. According to Mr. Cyprian Jimko traditional leaders in Onafai Faicok Kampong that the skin of snails is right to be selected. Bu snail is a type of skin here or here consumed tea men or women who have passed their reproductive years. The shells of snails are commonly consumed by children and women of reproductive age are very taboo.

While fresh human blood obtained by wounding or slice the calf someone using a small slug skin or bamboo slats. Blood flowing out of the slices sufficiently accommodated in a small container of skin snail then stirred with white chalk. The resulting mixture will be lumpy commonly used as an adhesive. Serves as an adhesive glue, wood glue lizard skin on the principal musical instrument drums are ready for use.

The rhythm of the drums beating will sound in the same rhythm, but when examined will sound different. The rhythm of the drums wasp can be subdivided into several classifications with each benefit. He is, pakmu em, em atee, atakam em, em mbami, and ndamir em. Pakmu em wasp drums are made at the community members celebrate certain rituals or ceremonies. The term comes from two words, namely pakmu which means party or ceremony and em, which means music drums. In the tradition of pakmu Asmat community consists of emak pakmu, imu pakmu, jipai pakmu, poter pakmu, james ter pakmu, ces bayisim pakmu, bus pakmu, and basusuangkus pakmu.

Pakmu em is a type of drum music performed as an artistic complement a traditional ritual. Atee Em is a drum music played by young children or beginners in the group of musicians. Atee in clumps Joerat Asmat language means playing or practicing, so meaningful songs and music drums em mean. Atee so em is hit the drums as an exercise for beginners. Atee em so often used as the entertainment of the villagers in the evening once hone the singers and musicians beginners to understand the various terms of various elements that have the spirit and power that influence human life on earth.

Atakam em, comes from two syllables atakam means talking, message, speak, cry, advice, orders, tells a story. Em mean drums, atakam em is a chance of beating the drums specifically to discuss or decide matters for the common good. The rhythm of the drums punch serves to enliven the atmosphere of the meeting.

The drummers drums are people who have special skills, although this traditional musical instruments quite struck with palms to bring melodious voice, unnecessary strings, straps strings or keys. In the musical performance drums beaten by about five to ten drummers in a group. Community clumps Joerat call Em-sow ow, as an official group of socially recognized by members of the community, led by a Arecar Ipits Em Sow, who commonly accompanied by a representative. Hierarchically the Em-Sow Ow sat in front of the circular composition wair Jow se –main fireplace in rituil hit drums. Em are car ipits sow as a leader seated at the right below the main pole furnace. Deputy or assistant principal sitting on the main pole position to the left. While other musicians are sequentially seated on the right side and left both leaders according to their ability Asmat literary vocabulary, the ability to master songs and the ability to master the technique and the rhythm of the music of each song in the collection of literature.

Position drummers drums placed by the leader is not based on seniority, but based on the capacity or ability possessed by each individual in the group of musicians. Although an older drummers drums or older to join as a member musicians, but when there was a much younger to join the abilities and skills of higher, then the question can be trusted to sit on a position closer to the leader. The position farther or closer than a leader describes the person's capacity in mastering the art of music.

Fu --trumpet--
Other traditional musical instruments that are commonly used in the community Asmat art disclosure is Fu --trumpet. Without the sound of trumpets, drums drumming will sound dissonant, without the power to inspire fascination expanse of the universe, without the power to evoke courage Asmat community as part of life is very broad. Together with the rhythm of the drums drumming, fu role is to assert the intention of the Asmat community to another party. Fu has blown on nuanced ritual worship, thanksgiving and petition for forgiveness for actions that may threaten the peace of life of others according to local beliefs, drumming the rhythm of drums accompanying gust fu.

Fu is also used by other ethnic groups in Melanesia region with a different base material. Community Asmat use buses or Sin -Bamboo fu as a base material with the survival reasons. Seashell or sea bia often also used as the base material fu. Asmat community aware of the consequences of the most basic ingredients may be encountered if the instrument is made of another material that is unusual in the local culture. Violations in selecting the raw materials of traditional music instrument borne by misfortune in the form of illness or death of even a disaster. To avoid misfortune, the manufacture of traditional musical instruments are always using the same materials.

Fu shape is very simple, is a bamboo is cut in such a way by slicing the end of the segment that will make a sound, then pierce the other parts as well end the flow of blowing air into the space segment of bamboo. Blowing air into the space segment of bamboo will cause vibration, because the air is filled with naturally present in the meeting room, resulting in a unique sound. Fu sound in totality fulfill the rhythm of traditional music.

Ci Pokom –Rap Boat Voice-

Asmat community actually improvisation the disclosure of aesthetic sense, even when the middle row on the boat as the main means of transportation on water. Ci means boat and pokom means knock the edge of the boat using oars. Ci pokom is a knocking sound and paddle boats are intentionally emitted by oarsmen to accompany lyric songs in the local idiom. This knock will sound to enrich the atmosphere on the way to go or return the forest.

When a group of community members travelled to the jungle village in a line to cut the tree sago feast imu, or taking jeer mbi in emak cem ritual --initiate. So ow --the singers will intone the expression of worship, or petition during a trip commute, the rowers spontaneity will ring the edge of the boat carrying the lower end of the paddle rhythmically, causing a fascinating rhythm.

  Sini Ufu --
Snail Shell --

Literally, the traditional musical instrument name is derived from two words, namely Sini Ufu –snail shell 
Leather snails are commonly used as an instrument by a group of children playing. Together with peers of children clustered socialize as a group of traditional musicians, there is a concurrent role as drummer drums singers, and some are taking a position as a dancer. Ufu here is not as popular as Em and Fu, but its role is crucial in fostering the regeneration of musicians Asmat later. At this time the children have a golden opportunity to prepare superior seed reliable music artists Asmat next day.

Em --Tifa

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A S M A T --The Legend of Fumiripits

By: Bonifasius Jakfu

That said, the ancestors Asmat build a settlement in the east village Amborep located in the estuary of the River Powets, approximately one kilometre north of the River Bayir. The village was known as Amunpum, with a nice layout, crossed by paths passing from the village to the capital region Atsy. Villagers coexist, safe, harmonious, and peaceful, without chaos, wars, fights, without the customary headhunting. Harmony and unity of life is characterized by the development of – custom home-- Jew who founded exactly in the middle of the township.

Jew is a traditional building very large compared to the size of the public house, with sturdy poles, walls and roofs of palm leaves and huge empty space. Inside there are several jowse jew - furnace -- wair jowse - the main furnace is located right in front of the main door, in the middle, among other furnaces. Furnaces indicates the number keret - clan - in  Amunpum Kampong. Keret who settled in Amunpum Kampong later evolved into several sub-ethnic scattered Asmat area, is Simai, Bismam, Betjmbup, Joerat, Shaphan, Siarau, Emariducur, Jupmacain, Kaimes, Canir, Watep, Jaremar, Onae, Jae, and Pis. Seven sub-ethnic latter, are now extinct as a result of war and headhunting between villages.

Fumiripits, one of the inhabitants of the village Asmat ancestor, known as a handsome young man, intelligent, thoughtful, creative, tenacious, and friendly. Everyday willingly he helped fellow residents to hunt animals in the forest villages, fishing in the river. Fumiripits live alone, yet nevertheless accompanied by a wife. When going hunting animals or tap sago, sago serga game results are not enjoyed by himself, but also distributed to all the relatives are sincere, without expecting recompense. Fumiripits good behaviour causes all the villagers to accept the presence of the man it gracefully, they interact, work, and joke.

Fumiripits live righteously respectable young man, the inhabitants of Kampung Amunpum always sympathetic. Fumiripits dashing, handsome, and kind, he was an idol. Fumiripits dazzling appearance exudes charm, inviting the love of women in Amunpum. All teenage girls in the village are scrambling to be coupled as husband and wife with a handsome young man, with the hope of a beautiful and peaceful life with a husband nan wise. While all women secretly secret relationship with Fumiripits, each of the women did not know about the relationship. Fumiripits mouth shut, he enjoyed relationships with many women and remain shut as confidential.

Fumiripits relationship with any woman who expressed the intention and love, unknown between one another. He enjoyed the atmosphere in such a way, is like a beetle that is free to fly on a beautiful garden with colourful flowers bloom, suck nectar. In a day can Fumiripits secret relationship on a different corner of the garden with different women, unknown to each woman. Fumiripits as a "real man", who was able to conquer the hearts of women in the village. However, Fumiripits realizes that he has to prepare and have a good future, by forming a household. Though many women expressed love, Fumiripits can not accept entirely, he must choose one of the women in the village Amunpum as a life partner.
 Marriage was Fumiripits hope children will be born from the womb of a woman's choice to inherit his talent and ability, especially things that are charged virtue. Once, Fumiripits finally expressed love to a pretty charming young girl. The girl is Taaraot - Teweraut - a name given to the Asmat woman, because of her beauty resembles the Taar flower - daffodils -, a kind of creeper that can be found throughout the Asmat. However, for while still keeping Fumiripits Taaraot intention to marry, she did not intend to take a wrong step. After Taaraot, careful selection of gorgeous women, there are other women who intend ayu also become a companion of life.

One day, when the sun barely goes out, slipping in the western sky, Fumiripits walk down the village Amunpum, he wanted to enjoy the atmosphere of his home in the beautiful panorama. Green leaf buds of twigs of trees on the two banks of the Sirets, a tinge of yellow as the sunshine golden plate with a gentle evening breeze hit pores. Every village dwellers who passed through the house and see Fumiripits greeted with a friendly smile.
 "Fumir ... a ... or oce .... ona bin jiamerame ...? Dar, or inim Pakman Bapor opok otaa ji !! Fumir brother, was about where in the afternoon today ...? home who? We have never seen you like this !!”

 Fumiripits answered with calm and a smile: "Oh .... dor bajaritumin a .... ara jo op akat nakot aporae, sirets pimam, bajar inim binip apomam aeyo nap ...., oh ... my brother, I just  walk arround the village to enjoy the beautiful afternoon on the banks of the River Sirets. I do not mean to house anyone ...! "Fumiripits spoke as this is the last visit in solidarity with the inhabitants of the village Amunpum.

That evening Fumiripits also took time to meet with the woman's dream Taaraot, pretty girl greeted Fumiripits soft tone, "Fumir a .... Or oce, batakam onao por acen a ...! Or inim bajar opoka ji. Or pack mbinip pumam Eram penao !! Fumiripits beloved, come closer! What's going on, so you walk around the village this afternoon. I've never seen you do a trip like this. Could it have something to do you do? Fumiripits greet his lover by saying this: Taar ... a ..., so ordinary he is in sapa, bajaritumino dor ..., op jo akat aporae erao ... !! which means, Taar my dear, I just walked around the village, just enjoy the natural beauty of the banks of the River Sirets with residents of  Amunpum  Kampong. "both chatted with familiar, heart and deliver content up to do. Although secretly Fumiripits stricken fear, if meeting with Taaraot known also by another dream woman. Jealousy and strife will happen.

While the conversation continued, without feeling the atmosphere changed, from red to dusk twilight, dark omen will come soon. The sun is getting low tide in the western sky and drowned in silence. With friendly Fumiripits friendly begged leave of his lover, Taaraot to return to the jew, the home of traditional rituals, the abode of the youth who are not married. "Taaraot dormom, dor bare, emca ompamitumin, bam bavasi, Jew ar ... kasi kurames er jo ema. Dormom contents akat arooo esat ... !! Taar dear, let me go back to the Jew. Had been a while we were here, it was getting dark. Take a break this evening with a quiet and safe ".

Taaraot reply to request for her lover by saying: "... Barea, Fumira ..., ja akat fig obedient, obedient ja vaimacem inima mamaeya farmer ... !! Let Fumiripits beloved, walking and step safely, I hope you can arrive at the jew safely. "
However, before Fumiripits step further, Taaraot handsome young man approached, asking to stop for a moment, the beautiful girl whispers a plan tomorrow to her lover, "Ah ..., Fumira Emara, atakam nap botaw emamin aa !! oh yes, Fumiripits, pause briefly, to an important news for the intimacy of our relationship! "

Fumiripits was paused, listened well to hear the whisper of the lover. Anxious and a little embarrassed, if the plan is rejected, Taaraot whispered, "Fumiripits a .... Dor to tam dasenis am pua ​​mbar sirat Opan fig ..! Or ses bases dora pene, to tam fa inima saramaminao acen, dor o 'jo Busum manamok pimam jafomut em er min. Dam ndamok nap .... bam acena pair o 'jak opok nakot a !! Fumiripits .... tomorrow morning I and a few sisters will go searching and crabbing across the River Sirets. If no objection, follow us, I'll be waiting on the banks of the River Sirets. I wish we were alone on the banks of the river ".

Fumiripits nodded, a sign that he agrees, the handsome young man then stepped back to jew with flowery mood. He lay down on tapin - mats in fantasy soar. Dark though more slowly crawl before it is turned into light on the brink of dawn. Fumiripits could not wait for night passed in the morning, he was really looking forward to a memorable moment was, alone with Taaraot without anybody, in the silence of the woods, on the banks of the river that flows peacefully Sirets.

Fumiripits almost all night can not sleep. The young man was restless all night, a shadow flashed before the eye is pretty Taaraot face, plump body and said he is fishing longing. This afternoon, he had met the idol of the heart in a special atmosphere with a special promise anyway. Fumiripits never realized another story that will happen after the appointment. Taaraot sweet promises to meet is actually the tuba in the bus mbu - bamboo cups – which
presented, waiting gulped, then death came to pick.

Night came quickly bring the cold air gets colder. The silence continued until the village atmosphere silence without noise. While other friends fell asleep in dreamland, Fumiripits stay awake, his eyes continued to stare at the ceiling as if without blinking jew. There is something incomprehensible that block and rumbled recesses of the heart, Fumiripits will never know, unless it was really happening.

Hearts Fumiripits still gripped with anxiety, went unnoticed until dawn by birdsong, the solar rays are slowly falling in golden colour on the roof of the traditional house. One day will soon be passed. Fumiripits ringing Taaraot always promise to meet on the banks of the River Sirets in the middle of the forest. He did not want to reject the appointments it. Amunpum Kampong also slowly began to rise, natural light liven up the atmosphere in the village. Blue sky above boundless like the blue silk strands that extend not trimmed. Occupants Kampung Amunpun begin life with sago burning on the stove, then from the roof of palm leaves looked thin smoke billowed soaring without form.

 The central female Taaraot with relatives packed up to go in search of crabs, cleaning boats moored on the river bank. Not long after Taaraot with a group of girls had departed rowing a boat across the river to look for crabs. The girls were paddling in a jovial mood on the water surface Sirets river flowing quietly. Occasional noise
joking fun wind-whipped even heard around the township. Not long after the girls had reached their destination. They were soon busy with their own affairs, either set up bevak - cottage - to rest after returning from a search of crab, nothing makes the fireplace and looking for firewood, some are dealing with boat moorings. After all the extra work completed, Taaraot and the girls rushed into the mangrove landscape along the banks of the River Sirets to find and catch crabs.

Fumiripits keeping promises, the young man rushed clinch ci -boat-  po -rowing-  wuru jis - fire and hunting equipment, such as amon - bow - and ces - dart - and amos - food provisions - to taste, to follow Taaraot. Fumiripits was rising to the top ci wap - small boats - to paddle to the same place Taaraot and girls looking for crabs. However, when it was about to release the boat moorings suddenly heard the sound of a close friend, Supu call.

"Wu ... ah .... ndip a ... or oce, pakmar biminip pumam erame? Or pack mbar ne apo, Ona jo bin jise erame? Fumiripits my best friend, what would you do? Could it be that you're about to go hunting something, and ... .ke a place where you're going to do that? "

  "Ah !! ndip a, roof ot jititaar manemo, bam fig poman mbi opnam pack pene jimar be puut inimaeoo nap !! Ara op jo es akatepak nakot Tepe botomut mar inim era jak saram seaio a nap! Ah ... Supu, my friend, why do you ask that? Why do you disturb my plans, I want to hunt animals across the Siret River this. Anyway the weather was so beautiful, I love to go looking across the river Sirets. "Answer Fumiripits.

Supu also volunteered to participate go along Fumiripits, "Dipa, orop son ot emse Eram, doram era, jimar baptapuut pi .... Fumiripits, friend, let me go with you, you should not be travelling alone. "

Fumiripits paused to hear the offer, he will need to consider prior to reject or accept. The young man was silent for a moment, before graduating Supu request, although reluctantly. If the bid is rejected, he will be considered disloyal to the friend. One percussion later the two friends were quick to reject the boat into the river and paddle until the two drove to the other side of the Sirets. Two young men rowing while telling stories and joking about the secret experiences with women they desire. Supu not expect, that journey times were the last moments together with friends he loved, he was proud and he was loved. Togetherness raises a familiar atmosphere and warm even will never repeat in tomorrow. Today's story changed the story until forever. Farewell long Endless stretches across the Sirets River.

Familiarity two friends are still built up well, but the middle Fumiripits secretly schemed to secede from Supu order to meet secretly with Taaraot, the beautiful women. Supu, the friend never could read the hearts of others, even a daily close, almost without distance.

Until across the Siret River, the views Fumiripits intently for boat Taaraot and bevak, cottage break the girl. After searching the distance Fumiripits ultimately can ensure that a long boat, decorated with red and white, have run aground, lying on a riverbank. Fumiripits ask Supu directs the paddle to a place to moor the boat. Bevak then set to rest, Supu, the young man obeyed the words Fumiripits, because he was only a follower on this trip.

Before the boat was docked on the riverbank, Fumiripits said, "Sorry Supu, I must go, stomach ache, when I was late back, make bevak in this place", without waiting for answer Fumiripits jumped while carrying a bow and arrow.

Supu do not really pay attention, why should Fumiripits jump with a bow in hand when complained of stomach ache? The young man then set up the boat tether bevak as a resting place. Supu never understand the secret promise to meet with Taaraot Fumiripits in an isolated place. After establishing bevak, Supu looking for firewood and then make a fire. He also burn corn while awaiting the arrival Fumiripits. Without felt the time passed, so long he waited Fumiripits, but the figure of the young man flashed nobody came. Supu still waiting, but he became anxious, if Fumiripits unfortunate drawback nan or hinder the hunt. Supu decided not to wait quietly, the young man's legs move into the forest to find where Fumiripits are, whether it prevents a friend in trouble?

While Supu waiting anxious and weary, Fumiripits has found a girl Taaaot and looking for crabs. Fumiripits, handsome young man not only meet Taaraot, the girl beautiful. However, he met every girl, one after the other in secret and relate in a hidden place in secret anyway. Fumiripits even met anyway Supu lover for secret relationship.

Originally Supu looking Fumiripits in dismay, but when he finally got his friend to have sex with a sweetheart in secret, the young blood was boiling. For this reason it seems Fumiripits hurriedly jumped out of the boat with a stomach ache complaint. Not a single word was spoken from the lips Supu, anger and very disappointed in making the boy's mouth was silent. He had been betrayed, Fumiripits closest allies during this bear to spoil his relationship with a sweetheart, he had a relationship with the girl's secret. Presumably, the lover is also not hesitated. With unsteady steps Supu back to the river where the boat is moored, affection to Fumiripits immediately turns to hate. She had known him very closely and for so long, nearly all his life. Now he would never know again, nobody can pass on friendship with a traitor.

While Supu back to the river banks overwritten deep disappointment. So Fumiripits had finished a secret relationship with every girl, except Taaraot. The girl never knew what really had happened to her lover with the other girls. Taaraot wait Fumiripits presence in distant longing as the flame blazing furnace. Both were looking for a place that is truly a hidden longing for release, express love. Taaraot Fumiripits so confident attitude, he did not regret the meeting, but he had to settle for reunited with the other girls. Taaraot back to bevak that has been established, Fumiripits also take leave to be reunited with Supu by the river, near a jetty.

However, the handsome young man was stunned, his pace is stalled in a question mark when he reached the edge of the river. Fumiripits not get Supu in that place as well as the boat they were travelling together. Bevak established Supu now been uncovered as well as with plants around the bivouac, looked trampled as an expression of anger. Fumiripits stammered, he knows his encounter with the girls crab seekers, including by Supu lover had known the friend. Regret always comes too late, is there he should apologize? Is there Supu will forgive him? When direct view across the river he found Supu middle row the boat, away from where he stood.

Fumiripits, tried to persuade Supu, maybe he can still salvage the friendship, "Ndip aa ... uu ...., Dor am era..aa, asarep akat emo emu. ... Supu, friend, back and Fetch me, thou only friend that I am most amazed and dear! "

 Supu answered from a distance, "Fumir a ... .. ... .. ici halibut bareo omamit manemo ot .... do 'wasan Coot am talisman takas betamut manemo ot .... Bare paporae pen ci, o 'cepes open apere..oo a ci ....! Fumiripits, well, you're really hurting me, you have taken away my lover, you really have the heart to hurt me !! You betrayed the friendship that has long been our wake. Go to where the women were, and came to the village with them. "Supu never be able to forgive Fumiripits, the young man is hard indeed, starting from this day he would never know Fumiripits forever.

Fumiripits paused, aware of the bitter truth, Supu had left it across the river forever, he has lost friendship. He was very sorry, but what's the use of regret that always late. How he can get back to the village? Fumiripits finally decided to return to the place Taaraot, lover looking for crabs, she offered to return with a group of women that. He said also, that Supu his friend had left alone at the side of the river.

Taaraot understands the difficulties Fumiripits, without thinking, she was offered a way of securing Fumiripits order to get back aboard the boat, without being noticed by the other girls in the group. Taaraot immediately weave  - baskets of palm leaves - to hide her lover, Fumiripits. Matting is made in a large size according to the height and width of the handsome young man's body. With nimble hands Taaraot take palm leaves, her fingers deftly knitting strand by strand leaves forming a basket in accordance with the shape he wants.

After all the work is completed, all the girls rushed up to the boat. Taaraot still busy tying basket parcel contains Fumiripits left Supu friend. The bundle was tied in such a way, resembles a basket of red ant eggs, to avoid suspicion, that the basket actually contain Fumiripits, not red ant eggs.

"What's in the basket?" One girl asked.
"Eggs red ants", Taaraot short answer, she put it in a nearby basket, which is exactly standing at the very back of the boat. The delegation of women and even then remove the paddle boat moorings and drove to the middle of the river Sirets.

Originally surging waves only weak, but gradually the longer the wind blows hard. The waves on the surface of the river now rolled worrying. The growing tide even as high as rooftops. When the boat is right in the middle of the river Sirets, waves rolling really terrible, hit the boat body is fragile and small, fats ao - wicker basket containing Fumiripits, handsome young man, sinking into the water Sirets River.

Taaraot hearts as were also sinks, so he was surprised, but no power saying a word, her lips to silence. She was not even the power to help Fumiripits, all souls are above canoe danger. While Fumiripits helpless, even to save himself, he resigned, the whole body was tied tightly by Taaraot, he was trapped in the basket.

With very carefully all the beautiful girl finally managed to row the boat up to the shore. Hearts Taaraot become so depressed, he could not save a much loved, he could not keep silent. Haltingly he gives the truth, "I'm sorry folks, the actual contents of the basket was not the red ants, but Fumiripits, the handsome village Amunpum it", tears Taaraot tears, she became so embarrassed, that Fumiripits is a sweetheart where he surrender and a secret relationship in search of crabs.

Recognition Taaraot make other girls who become angry, they finally claimed to have established the relation between the degree of secrecy with Fumiripits. Suppose Taaraot frank, they are all convinced Fumiripits can save lives and keep the day's events. However, rice has become porridge, all already. Surface water surging river still high, it is unlikely they rowed into the river to help Fumiripits. The handsome young man had drowned agony, bound and wrapped in a basket.

While wrapping basket Fumiripits river flow Sirets up to get to the Arafura Sea. For several days, the basket Fumiripits bodies drifting in the mouth of some rivers around the sea and ended up stranded in the estuary of the River Owap, a river in the northern village of Otakwa - now the district of Mimika. The place is referred to as Pulau Tiga, located in the southwest Capital Asmat.

One day, early in the morning when dawn breaks down, a white heron seemed to peck the food at the edge Owap Beach, Pulau Tiga. The sunlight was golden shining green leaves and trees, so fine grain sand stretches along the coast. The very spacious sea seemed limitless, the waves hit the coast alternated the sounds of nature.

 The white stork surprised, eyes that glare when a strange object seemed to reflect light in all directions. When approaching the white stork was found a basket containing human remains in a state bound to die. The crane then to tell the other shorebirds, invited to take a close look. Birds swarming finally came together, even defecate on the bodies Fumiripits as if they were celebrating the victory ceremony. The birds, dancing and flying back to the beach, with each style of any kind, so the atmosphere in the morning it became very crowded.

Suddenly a seagull, appeal to all the birds to be silent for a while, for a proposal, "Would we do with this body?" Questions without answers. "Well, if there is no proposal, should we call war, eagle to raise this body. Eagle is known to have one of Eram, Noken talisman capable of anything on demand. The bird was very thoughtful but firm in every respect. He can kill, but can also generate or revive the bodies of the dead ".

That said, the eagle was settled in the river upstream Owap as the ruler of the territory. Thus far upstream, to reach it takes a bird that could fly far at an accelerating pace. Flocks of birds was eventually entrusted Ase birds - sparrows to invite the eagle dating from the nest dwells.

After flying away in a tempo that not too long ago, the birds have arrived upstream, dens where war lived, ase also said, "We are a flock of birds have found the body of a man washed up on the banks of Owap Beach. I believed flew here to ask for the coming war in order to evoke the human body it back ".

War received the news and request it, "Well, I do not object to that request", the Eagles immediately set themselves fly into Turkish Owap. Soon both high-flying very long distances to arrive at the destination.

On the shores of Owap flock to welcome it with joy. War approaching Fumiripits bodies, asking all the birds flew away, so the Eagles can handle it calmly bodies. Bird war untied the rope and wrapped the bodies Fumiripits basket, then consider carefully. So, Eram esa - Noken talisman brought it in the open, war wings protrude into the camshaft, fingering then take the talisman that will be used.

War spread potion that talisman around the bodies Fumiripits while reading Mentera, with two pieces of wood, sticks talisman touching certain body parts Fumiripits, such as the crown, jaw, chest, tiptoes and hands, eyebrows, ankles and hands, The action was, apparently not in vain, the human body slowly began to move. Fumiripits breath slowly exhale, toes and hands began to move, the eyelids move about to open.

A touch of the magical power of the talisman, presumably to power the pacemaker so strong, so that all the organs of the body moving as usual. Fumiripits the rigid already can finally move, sit and stand. Fumiripits like new wake up of sleep, hesitated to see the atmosphere and the state where he was. While the war stood watching bird behaviour change Fumiripits initially motionless, now resurgent. The bird was still praying and read the mantra.

War is still working hard for the recovery and restoration of the natural forces Fumiripits. Finally, work hard was finished, Fumiripits true spirit of nature has returned from death to life. War went back to take leave left Fumiripits far upstream. Rajawali the powerful and benevolent it entrusts a message and a message of life, including noken talisman and a sacred drum as a handle.

After rising from the dead Fumiripits felt so empty, though he can enjoy the natural atmosphere Owap such a beautiful beach. Every morning melodious sound of birds chirping, the wind and the waves fused as if singing lullabies before bed. Food is plentiful, Fumiripits never feel hungry. However, what it all meant, Fumiripits live alone, around their home Spacious never encountered one man who can talk, joke, and works the same as in life in the past.

One day, Fumiripits sat in front of the longhouse, he expects life to many people, so do not feel left out alone from a busy world. However, how could he create a life like that? The fine gentleman kept thinking and thinking, so it appears
life like that? The fine gentleman kept thinking and thinking, so there is an intention that can be immediately done. Fumiripits cut down a tree trunk carved by using bones and shells, so that the logs were eventually resembled the human form. The statues were numerous: there are male and some are female. Statue - the statue was decorated with ornaments such as if the Asmat people who are prepared to implement a traditional ceremony.

After all the completed statue decorated Fumiripits take drums received from War - the eagles later hit. The rhythm of the drums so melodious strains, originally only echo the soft progressively enlarged to become a powerful punch. Tifa from the eagle would have a very strong magical power, the rhythm that resonates with vitality can provide for those who hear. Likewise with sculptures created Fumiripits, melodious rhythm of the drums beating slowly give it vitality. Slowly move the statues dancing to the rhythm of beating drums, statues were transformed into people with various kinds, male, female pairing godly couple and children.

In an instant the atmosphere around the residence Fumiripits be crowded, fine gentleman was now no longer settle down alone. He has relatives in village life environment. Expertise Fumiripits carve, singing, dancing, beating drums and passed on to all residents in the village where he lived.
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