Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Dead Sea Scroll

Caves of Qumran, Judea, 1947 a Bedouin shepherd boy from the tribe Taamireh, Muhammad Ad-Dib lost a sheep, he sought to climb the rock. From there he saw a narrow gap in a cliff facing mountain slopes. Ad-Dib picked up a stone, threw it into the cave, the sound of rock collision with an object that appeared to be made from pottery. The shepherd climbs the mountainside and peered over the top, dim atmosphere, but the shepherd's eyes still can see a neat set of pottery on the floor of the cave. The next day Ad-Dib returned with some friends, the shepherd boy had actually been doing a terrible archaeological discoveries. In the pottery apparently saved seven handwritten scrolls that have aged very old, two thousand years. The seven scrolls that are notes written by religious Jews and Essenes sect claimed the early centuries AD which eventually became known as DSS-The Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls are a sacred and exalts God as the one true Almighty True Guru with the figure as a central figure, a man who received a revelation at the time.
The seven scrolls were later purchased by Kando, an antiques dealer in Jerusalem for the show. Athanasius Samuel, head of the Catholic Convent of Saint Mark in Switzerland at that time was in Jerusalem, he bought four rolls, there was Professor Eliezer Sukenik of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem bought three other scrolls. In 1948 the Arab - Israel raged following the proclamation of the State of Israel on May 15, 1948, Athanasius worry scrolls ever bought, he intends to send the manuscript to America and sell it, the intention was cancelled, because Yigael Yadin Professor Sukenik's son bought at a price of 250.000 $ on behalf of the Hebrew University. Then the seven scrolls it entirely belonged Hebrew University in Israel and then exhibited at the Museum Shrine of Book in Jerusalem. In 1953 in Jerusalem Hebrew University publish three images along with text translation. The 1967 six-day war broke Arab - Israel, the West Bank, as well as Museum Jerusalem, falls into the hands of Israel. Since then the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls were halted.
In the decade 1970 - 1980 complaint against the latest publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls intensified. The 1990 team principal Scrolls, John Strugnell trust since 1987 was forced to resign by Israel Antiquity Authority. In 1991 a student of Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Marten Abegg and Ben-Zion academic counsellors conduct breakthrough with the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls. in the same year director of Huntington Library in Southern California, William Moffett opened an exhibition full access to all scholars need the publication of the Dead Sea Scrolls. In November 1991 the editor of the new head of the official teams, Emanuel announces Toy for all scholars to be able to obtain the unconditional access to the photos of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Without the hard work and tireless efforts of the scholars as from the year 1947 until the arrival of the Millennium, the Dead Sea Scrolls will never get into the hands of the reader to uncover a secret that has been stored in the Judean cave for 2,000 years until the Muhammad Ad-Dib shepherd found.
Dead Sea Scrolls contained 35 texts, texts entitled to the 30-day-time in the World, the introduction, which emphasizes the necessity of history is contained on page 505:
4Q180 Frag. 1 prophetic interpretation regarding the ages that God has created: a time which fulfill (all that exists now) and that will come. Before He created them. He has set works (them. ..) day after day. And, it wrote on the tablets (the) eternal (...) (....) their heyday. This is the story of the sons of Noah to Abraham that he begat Isaac, ten generations (....)

Noah and Abraham - Great Prophet Ibrahim was believed to be a messenger of God by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. The names are contained in all the holy books that fell from divine religions, the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospel, and the Qur'an. Two thousand years ago the Dead Sea Scrolls have been written to justify the presence of the Prophet about it. There is also the text into 24 titled A Commentary on the Psalms. (It) refers to the Master (Truth ....)

4Q171 Frag 1-2 Col 4 "(....) law, and he did not leave the people who loved him. Until they forever will be maintained, but the descendants of the wicked will be cut off "

The Teacher of Righteousness is the central figure in the scrolls, as a revelation at the beginning acquire century AD, a period when the scrolls written by the Essenes sect, which is worth mentioning prayer and praise. Then in 1947 Muhammad Ad-Dib, cowherds were linked back religious records buried for two thousand years and bring the Dead Sea Scrolls for all the people in this century and revived the figure of the Teacher of Righteousness, Master.

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