Tuesday, May 3, 2016


November, 1994 when he first set foot in the airport Mopah, Merauke, feeling ambushed into self is shaky - or rather daunted. I have taken the decision that is too bold and risky to leave the land of Java, fly away to start the work that I know to be true yet, where their achievements? However, that achievement will never be started if I had not ventured to master a sense of trepidation. I was too late to turned around, stepped foot into the Merpati plane then run over a decision. When the west, from Germany or the Netherlands can be so intense perform data mining in Papua in order Anthropological writing, why not me? Papua is part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, who will write the life on this island with data that long unless I ventured to start?

At first I thought, in the city of the eastern end of Indonesia I will only see people Marind, my guess wrong every race has settled into a population of Merauke, work, together with local residents. However, the faces that looked foreign, they looked at me quizzically, and vice versa, I do not recognize any of the faces. I suppress a sense of trepidation, put yourself in the car seat and then down the main street in the city. The streets are not too wide, but slippery with traffic away from the crowds. On the edge of Jalan Brawijaya looked for mothers to sell mangoes, the fruit was not weighed to determine the selling price, but piled into several pieces with a certain unit price. Kind of nice mango mango mango meat instead of water, but the price is more expensive mango flesh. Mango crops is quite proud of this region.

At TMP Polder street Ampera Market stand where buyers and sellers conduct transactions, terminal city transport - microbus blue is commonly called a cab blend with its market position to help buyers get the means of transport. Merauke overall rectangular shape, ornate statues bus on a bend. Offices have a separate location not far from the Airport Mopah, around  Brawijaya Street, shops located along  Mandala Street, housing Civil Servants located in the surrounding streets along  Trikora and  Noari Street. With this layout of the city as a taxi service simply rotate past the same point.

South of the city bordering the Arafura Sea, Coastal Lampu Satu, Dalir Turkish and Turkish Windu is a pleasant tourist destination on holidays. East city limits are Sota, there is a monument which formally separating the Merauke and Papua Newginea. Sota is also one of the destinations that can be reached by road along the deserted with shrubs and forest on both sides of the road. Musamus - anthill looks mounting high in the trees. The nest is at once iconic Merauke, in addition to deer.

Merauke is Deer City, this four-legged animals are hunted every day, cut, sell the meat for regular consumption, without the need for breeding. Land is so widespread in the suburbs, directly adjacent to the forest ecosystems into all the deer. Habitat never extinct even hunters catch every day. At night the street vendors will offer deer satay with a pleasant aroma published tastes. Rough texture deer meat more than beef, but it seems no less tasty. Similarly the deer jerky flavor that has been processed specifically as culinary Merauke.

Maro River flows right northern part of the city, separating the urban areas to the transmigration areas until 1999 before Bridges Maro awoke, the only vehicle to cross the water used is spotted. Transmigration is a granary and gardens for all types of plants which serve to meet daily consumption. Cattle and poultry flourished in this area. Merauke no shortage of basic food. Local communities, people Marind and Muyu also learn gardening then sell crops to the market to meet their daily needs.

Such a situation has developed after a history of about 92 years. Merauke
 was discovered on February 12, 1902, the person who first settled in this city were employees of the Dutch Government. They try to live between two indigenous tribes that Marind Anim and Sohoers.
The Dutch government employee struggling against the forces of nature, including customary headhunting. Cendrawasih feathers very beautiful, very attractive European women as a decoration hats. The Dutch government employee did not miss this wonderful natural resources as land trade,

When the settlers asked the natives, "What is the name of this village?" The natives replied, "Maro-ka", which actually means "That Maro River". Marind people think, that the Maro River with a width of 500m is more important than the name of a forest area, which is Gandin. Finally, the area is called by the name or exact Maro-ka --Merauke.

Politically administrative, Merauke town was originally a Dutch government posts were used as a transit point for the Republicans towards Digoel. After Irian Jaya integrate with the Dutch government in 1963, designated as the Capital District Merauke regency. After the period of the Popular Consultation  at 1963-1969, start growing some settlement group spurred by the conveniences of a city.

As a city located in the eastern end, the position of Merauke too far from the capital of the State. Practical information dangers of HIV / AIDS, maturing age of marriage, reproductive health, and gender equality is not easily communicated to the public in the field line components. Places of entertainment is very limited, unless the bar is enlivened by all women entertainers as high-risk groups who can transmit HIV / AIDS. When in 1992 there were two people living with HIV among commercial sex workers and fishermen Thailand, the whole town terpengarah. The infection continues to spread over the years in a number of increasingly worrisome, so Merauke ranked highest number of HIV / AIDS when compared to its population. Doctors become accustomed to dealing with venereal disease and HIV / AIDS. Visitors who come to Merauke be uncomfortable sitting in a taxi, because the fear of contracting this deadly disease.

Campaign on HIV / AIDS became a major task of the regional government, with the whole range of NGOs to deal with this disease. but HIV / AIDS continues to spread, so that close friends berpupang become victims. The term, "The patient died because of HIV / AIDS is a matter of course". Old anxiety haunting the lives of city dwellers, especially women as passive group that can be infected with HIV. However, the worst situation was certainly no end.

The reform era provides an opportunity for children of the area to lead the region, through the turn of the millennium and the whole district of Merauke in Papua entitled to vote through voting regent Regional Representatives Council. John Gluba Gebze elected, sworn in and then make changes during the two periods of government. In one decade the leadership of John Gluba Gebze Merauke situation changed from an isolated town in the eastern end of the archipelago into a boisterous city clean. Regional Expenditure Budget increased in an amount sufficient to improve the welfare of the community. Comprehensive highway stretches adorned with bright lights. Development in every field line directly or indirectly began to touch people's lives. John Gluba Gebze have very high loyalty to the integrity of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia, he did everything possible so that the red and white still fluttering in every corner of the City of deer, no more flags else. The following regional division is a breakthrough that brings people's lives in the Asmat region, Mapi, and Boven Digul develop into districts. So many changes occur and rolling increase life expectancy and well-being.

The spread of HIV / AIDS prevention specifically received by the campaign of all the components involved, local government, religious leaders, community leaders, community organizations and NGOs. Places growing healthy entertainment, swimming pools in hotels, where fishing, roasted corn sellers around the verdant paddy fields. While the rapidly growing convenience store along Jalan Raya Mandala. Airline Garuda, Lion Air, and Sriwijaya entry route direct flights to Makassar, flight service users have the option to obtain transportation services. White boat services in the framework of mobility betambah sea, the port becomes more crowded. Developing university for continuing education all students.

About 20 years later, after two people with HIV have been found in Merauke, the continuous hard work in every field line has suppress HIV infection, so Merauke no longer be a city that is not convenient to visit. The town that has been well designed to bloom increasingly wider area. In this city there are no hills, up the mountain, sloping roads allow drivers to drive a motor vehicle. Currently Merauke District oversees 20 districts are: Animha, Eligobel, Ilyawab, Jagebob, Kaptel, Kimaam, Kurik, Malind, Merauke, Muting, Naukenjerai, Ngguti, Okaba, Semangga, Sota, Tabonji, Land Leaning, Tubang, Ulilin, Waan. The population of Merauke as at December 31, 2012, according to the data collection of the Department of Population and Civil totaled 246 852 Life. Of these, the population reached 130 514 men and women reached 116 338 Life of the Soul. The number of heads of household, there were 60 406 households. The largest population located in Merauke District which amounted to 115 359 Life. The smallest population contained in Kaptel District with a population of 1,833 souls.

Not too far away from residential areas, Musamus still high as miniature mounting the hill in specific patterns. Deer habitat never become extinct, every day the hunters compete to get the meat to be offered to buyers in the market Ampera. Merchants offer jerky and savory satay flavor.

Welcome to City of Deer ....

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