Sunday, May 29, 2016

A S M A T --The Sculpture

Asmat community views life into three parts. The first part is the living world or Asmat ow capinmi, the second part is a haven of people who have died and have not entered the eternal resting place in safar - heaven-called dampu ow capinmi. The spirits that live in dampu capinmi ow is the cause of disease, suffering, earthquakes, and war. People who are still alive must redeem these spirits by making parties and engravings as well as give it a name so that they can get into the realm of Safar - which is the ultimate goal, the third part of the life of the Asmat.Apart from being the ultimate goal of life of the Asmat, Safar is also believed to be the place of origin of the spirits of the baby. Babies are initially entered through jiwi jof, the door through which they entered this world. Having grown up and then die, then they will be through Jamir jof, is a path to the end of the world. Children born through jiwi jof is the embodiment of the people who have died. They are the new private named yuwus, which means "name" for the person who is the spirit of personal Asmat. By naming an engraving, means spirit and the personal into the carvings. Thus, it is a personal engraving itself. On the basis of trust in the spirit of ancestors who had settled in dampu ow capinmi, then hands the wowipits - engraver-- move follows the instinct to create a masterpiece that causes Asmat sculpture became very illustrious.
White Woodcut

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