Friday, April 29, 2016


C A N T I N G*

I also melted together
hot wax on top of the blue flame
the fire
I want to be a peacock
and butterflies that breathes
breath, flapping wings
perched on delicate silk cloths
perpetuate miss

I want to blossom
to share flowers
fragrances and stories on sheet
ballad sheet when the hand
all guided batik
motherless soul confirmed canting
in the form of language

Pekalongan - Indonesia, 1974 – 1986

*canting: tool to make ‘batik’ --traditional cloth in Java

In 1974 as a little girl, I ever refused to settle in this place, hot air ambush during the day, evening mosquitoes fluttering as if a terrible fighter. The atmosphere of the neighborhood completely foreign and new, customs different from the order of social Plantation The Kaligua cause I need a long time to adapt, thereby finally 12 years later when finish Graduated High School and had to go to Yogyakarta to continue on to university, I leave this city with confusion. Too much should I left, especially friends, culinary, relatives, and the main house is getting old.

After settling in Yogyakarta in the next eight years, I understand, that Pekalongan has its own identity, especially the ability of the entire community in developing batik industry and this industry makes an effort to hang alive. During 12 years living in the City of Batik Pekalongan, I no longer feel unfamiliar with the various shades of batik has been famous all over the archipelago. When in the 1990s the developing silk batik, Pekalongan increasingly prominent name, city life continues to grow. It is located on the coast, about 100 kilometers west of the provincial capital of Central Java, Semarang. In addition to Pekalongan batik industry have variety of cultural and culinary specialties that can not be forgotten even after people wander so far, losing the way back. When batik eventually become uniform on certain days for the ranks of the Civil Service, my memory drifted back to cities blanketed batik activity at that time.

Batik Pekalongan history of post-war begins and divisions within the Mataram Kingdom that time was led by Panembahan Senopati. Colonial war against the Dutch and the divisions among the court environment is often the case, until a most severe conditions cause the royal families were displaced and settled in new areas among others to Pekalongan. The royal families who have a proud tradition of developing batik batik then fled to evacuation areas in Pekalongan. In the area of ​​Pekalongan batik finally grown as strongly as in Buaran, Pekajangan and Wonopringgo. Who fled the palace and bring his followers into new areas, where the batik continued and later became a job for livelihood. Batik patterns in this new area also be adjusted by the circumstances surrounding area.

Until the early twentieth century known batik process is batik with mori materials domestically and partly imported. After the first world war was unknown manufacture of batik and the use of foreign drugs made in Germany and the UK. In the early twentieth century was first recognized in Pekajangan is weaving that produces spun yarn stagen and simple manner. A few years later be known batik is done by people who work this weaving sector.

Growth and development of batik is more rapid than ever weaving stagen and sugar factory workers in Wonopringgo and Tirto ran into batik companies, because the pay is higher than the sugar factory. The materials used for the results of homespun fabric and paint materials made from trees such as noni, tom tree, soga Java, and so on.

The motif has a deep philosophical meaning for the creator of the image on a piece of batik cloth. Each motif contains a philosophy of life that can give meaning to life itself. Batik philosophy embodies the essence of art can serve as smoothing the mind and taste. In Javanese cultural treasures, each motif has a meaning that can build human consciousness so that they do good and beneficial for him. That is, the model design batik shirt with a motif always consider the suitability of the wearer. Batik philosophy expressed in several motifs, are:

Motif Ceplok
Batik ceplok inspired by the shape of the roof  fruit or fruit aren-- were quartered. The fourth part of the core pieces together symbolize the four directions of the main  in Buddhism. Fried egg shape very ancient pattern is kawung. Ceplok a decorative categories based on the repetition of geometric shapes, such as rectangles, rectangular, oval, or stars. There are many other variants of ceplok, for example, fried and fried Sriwedari ketch. Batik trumtum also categorized ceplok. In addition, to obtain batik patterns and motifs are more beautiful, ceplok also often combined with various forms of other motives.

Motif Garuda
Garuda is derived from the word eagle is a large bird and dashing. Java community believe that the eagle has a very important position. Garuda motifs form consists of two wings in the middle there is the body and tail. Java public confidence in the past, looked at Garuda as a vehicle of Vishnu, known as the Sun God. Garuda to ride Vishnu and serve as a symbol of the sun. Besides, as a symbol of life, Garuda, is also a symbol of virility. Naturally, if the supporters of football we had a motto: "Garuda in my chest."

Motif Sawat
Sawat means throw. In ancient times, the Javanese believe in the gods as the force that controls the universe. One of these gods was Batara Indra. This god has such weapons Vajra or bajra, also mean lightning. The heirloom weapons usen by throwing - Batara Indra pass-- The weapons that have sharp fanged snake and winged --mawa lar--. When thrown into the air, this weapon will be flashing and a sound that is very loud and scary. Although frightening, Vajra also brings excitement because rain is considered sebgai carrier. Batara Indra heirloom weapons is realized in the form of side wings motif in the hope that the wearer is always protected his life.

Motif Truntum
Truntum batik motifs created by Kanjeng Ratu Kencana –Wife of Sunan Pakubuwana lll-- meaningful love that grows back. He invented this motif as a symbol of sincere love unconditional, eternal, and the longer it was the richer developing . Truntum affirmative fabrics usually used by parents bride on the wedding day. The hope that love will descend the bride and groom. Sometimes meant also that parents are obliged to "guide" the bride and groom to enter a new life.

Motif Udan Liris
This motif  meaning of fortitude and must hold live concerned even if hit by rain and heat. People who are married, especially newlyweds, to be bold and willing to live concerned when many trials. Supposing stricken rain and heat, may not be easy to complain. All the obstacles and barriers that must be faced and solved together. Husband or wife is a part of living in the household. If one had a problem, then the partner must help resolve, not just add to the problem. For example, if the husband was getting trials tempted by other women, then she should be wise to find solutions and find a solution to the problem. Vice versa, if the wife gets the temptation of another man, the husband would have to be wise without having to put excessive suspicions before being discovered evidence.

Motif Meru
The word is derived from Mount Meru Mahameru. The mountain is regarded as a residence for the throne of Tri Murti, namely Sang Hyang Vishnu, Sang Hyang Brahma, Sang Hyang Siwa. Tri Murti is denoted as the source of happiness in this world. Therefore iyu, Meru is used as a motif so that the wearer always get prosperity and happiness.

Motif Patch
There is a belief that if a sick person using this fabric as a blanket, then he will recover quickly. Patch mean adding a new spirit. With the new spirit hrapan expected would occur so easily available cure. In addition, the presence of the penjenguk, expected the sick do not feel left out and have a lot of relatives so desire to heal the greater.

Motif Parang Kusuma
This motif meaningful life must be based on the struggle to find happy inwardly and outwardly, like the fragrance of flowers -kusuma-- For example, for the Javanese, the most important of life in society is -kind-- personal fragrance without leaving the applicable norms and manners in order to avoid disaster and unseen. They must abide by the rules of community life and obedience to God's commands. This condition is not easy to be realized, but generally the Javanese hoped to find a perfect life physically and spiritually. They will try many ways to achieve a happy life and unseen. In the era of the all open now, sunguh difficult unyuk reach to the level of living as expected because of a lot of temptation. People also are more likely to look for a good name by way of purchase with the money you have, instead of private behavior and good.

Motif Parang Rusak Barong
Batik motifs damaged barong machete is derived from the word rock and barong --lion-- Parang barong is the most profound and sublime, and for the sanctity of philosophy, motives should only be used for kings, especially worn during religious rituals and meditation. This motif was created Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma who wants to express his life experience as a king with all his duty and consciousness as a human being small in the presence of the Creator. Barong word means something big and this is reflected in the size of the pattern on the fabric. Motif damaged barong machete is the mother of all parang motif. This motif has a meaning that a king always caution and control.

Motif Slobog
Slobog could also mean lobok or loose. This fabric is commonly used for funerals, with the aim that the deceased had no trouble facing the Almighty. It is heavily influenced by religious principles that after death there is another life that must be accounted for, ie before the Lord Almighty. That's 10 batik philosophical meaning that is now included in the category or batik motif lawasan classic. In order for this article is not very long, the other motif would we fit on the continuation of the philosophy of Indonesian batik. Wealth motif with the meaning of this philosophy has inspired fashion designers in presenting a model of modern batik clothes but did not remove the motive of origin.
Colorful motif batik cloth was as a part of everyday life that make me not feel familiar, especially at the reception invitation. Almost all the guests proudly wear batik, social time, smiling happily while tasting delicious dishes. Before the guests wear batik with pride, has traversed a long process. I'm lucky to have seen part of that process when playing to a neighbor's house in front of the house. At the back of the house is the room off, it always seemed mothers middle batik diligently every day. On the shelves looked trunked-rod neatly arranged evening, a pile of white fabric and dyes and various motives for batik. Saturday through Thursday room was always crowded by all batik, small stoves lit up in blue flames melting the bars of the night mixed rosin in small skillet. The streets along the village seemed crowded by people who held a batik to be dried, From the doors of the gaping always seemed busy life people make batik cloth. A stately building in Jalan Doctoral Wahidin-center reads PPIP Indonesian Batik Pekalongan, is a well-known hall which is used as a prestigious wedding receptions, meetings, artistic performances and campaigns. Stores in particular offer a variety of low-priced batik to batik is very smooth with a very expensive price. A niche in Banjarsari Market, the largest market in the city, bustling offer thousands of pieces of batik cloth with a pattern of colorful amazing.

On Thursday afternoon the atmosphere will be more crowded, because all batik artisans poco'an -Receive wage per week. Joy received the wages they will be rushed to the market to buy various needs of everyday life. On Friday, a holiday batik, batik all rested. Pekalongan city atmosphere became more silent, the people who are Muslims establish prayer in congregation in the mosque, the rest stay home or go play.

The origin of the name of Pekalonganas disclosed by local community down generations there are several versions. One of them mentioned was at the time chief Raden Bahurekso as leaders of Mataram Kingdom. In 1628 he received the order of Sultan Agung to attack the VOC (Vereenigde Oost Indishe Compagnic / United Airlines East Indies) in Batavia. So he fought hard, even starting with an ascetic like bats / bat (Javanese: topo ngalong) in forest villages Gambiran --Overview lying around the bridge and the village Sorogenen Anim. In the hermitage told that Raden Bahurekso teased and bullied Dewi Lanjar along with the soldiers who are followers stealth. But all along the temptation Dewi Lanjar his followers can be defeated even subject to Raden Bahurekso. Then Dewi Lanjar, which is an envoy of Queen Roro Kidul decide not to return to the South Coast, but then requested permission to Raden Bahurekso to stay around this area. Raden Bahurekso fulfill this request even Queen Roro Kidul also approve it. Dewi Lanjar allowed to stay on the north coast Central Java. It is said that Goddess Lanjar palace lies on the beach next to the river Slamaran Pekalongan. Since then, the area is famous by the name of Pekalongan.  In another version states that the name comes from the local term Pekalongan halong-halong which means a plentiful harvest. So Pekalongan called by the name Pengangsalan which means good luck. Pengangsalan name, it is also present in the Great Chronicle Mataram --Sultan)

namely: "Gegaman wus togethers dadi siji, grooming Samya Samya numpak Palwa, Giya ancal mring samudrane, lampahe Lumintu, Tirboyo opponent Semawis ing, ing Lepentangi, Kendal, Batang, Tegal, sampun, Barebes lan Pengangsalan. Wong coastal sadoyo ono tan curry, Carbon nggertata ing ".

Meaning: "weapons has been gathered into one. Once everything is ready, the soldiers departed sailing. Endless voyage - kept passing Tirbaya, Semarang, Kaliwungu, Kendal, Batang, Tegal, Brebes and Pengangsalan. Everyone coastal nothing is missed (they leave to prepare themselves in Cirebon to go to Batavia to invade the Dutch VOC) "

The northern part of Pekalongan is lowland; was in the southern part of the mountains, part of the Dieng Plateau. The great rivers that flow include Sragi Kali and Kali Sengkarang and its tributaries, all of which empties into the Java Sea. So where I live now directly adjacent to the beach and the waves are always rumbling, worrying. Territorial waters to save many kinds of fish that can be consumed on a daily basis and can be found every day in the market, both markets and market Grogolan Banjarsari. The size of the fish can even approach the little boy lay. There is also the Day of Pekalongan have been set on Thursday Legi Date August 25, 1622 or on 12 1042 H Robiu'l Early in the reign of Prince Manduroredjo, he was a regent / duke is appointed by the Supreme Sultan / King of Mataram Islam and at the same time as Regent Pekalongan I, whereas the determination of day and date are taken from the usual tradition of the appointment as regent and the new officials in the environment of Mataram Kingdom.

History Pekalongan become legitimate part of the local culture so pila with myth or folklore that is famous for Goddess Lanjar. Syahdan, In ancient times in Pekalongan there is a duchy which is a region of the Sultanate of Mataram. Duchy is led by a duke who first ruled in the Duchy Pekalongan. Duke was ruled by a wise and prudent so much loved by the people.

There was aflawless beautiful girl named Siti Khatijah, daughter of the Duke of Pekalongan. Which has been famous for her beauty, many young men were attracted to ask for her hand. The Duke also acted quickly by trying to set her beloved daughter to the prince selection of The Duke. Siti Khatijahdipaksa indulging the desires of the Father even though he does not like matchmaking. Siti Khadijah as a filial son seeks tough to face a match until it was time where the wedding took place. Siti Khatijah but the heart can not be fooled, he could not accept the choice of the Father and eventually chose to leave the palace. In vacillation Siti Khatijah walk towards the north until he arrived at a beach that is now called Turkish Slamaran.

On the shores of Slamaran, Siti Khatijah continue to run while wearing a trousseau. Unwittingly Siti Khatijah, there was a fisherman who saw it until the fisherman simply dumbfounded when Siti Khatijah walk on the ocean without sinking up towards the middle of the ocean. Even this horrendous news reached the ears of the Duke. The Duke immediately ordered his men to search for her daughter to be found. However, the search for three days and three nights was not fruitless. The Duke is already embarrassed by the escape of Siti Khatijah the wedding party also decided to announce that Siti Khatijah had died. According to Islamic tradition, the Duke ordered held Siti Khatijah tahlilan to pray for the deceased. On the night of the 7th tahlilan, Siti Khatijah came to the palace Duchy of Pekalongan and advised that he was not dead but still alive in the supernatural realm.

Siti Khatijah who visited the palace Duchy of Pekalongan told all her family around the Duchy Pekalongan people who have difficulties in life to want to see if it helped. However, Siti Khadijah Duchy Pekalongan forbid people to ask him the reason people have been enjoying all the worldly favors with abundant crops society. Siti Khadijah heard rise with supernatural power to grant the wishes of a person, the people of Pekalongan been widely believed that the figure Siti Khadijah is a supernatural creature who is now better known as the Goddess Lanjar. People call Pekalongan Siti Khadijah as Goddess Lanjar because in Pekalongan Lanjar means of a girl who is married but have not had sex with
her husband.

For some people who believe, Dewi Lanjar give one the confidence to bring blessings, ngalap blessing is one way to get to the good wishes of luck material or non-material. Many ways to go people to receive the blessings that no one stay up for days, there are ascetic, there were just praying, even with a medium mineral water. Everyone who comes in rites or building that is believed to pesanggrahanDewi Lanjar, have their own beliefs and sundry. Although there are already given the explanation that the request directly to the Goddess Lanjar is one form of polytheism but many still do it. Not a few who pray directly to God through intermediaries and the rest house. Dewi Lanjar has a strong influence on people who believe in its existence, and is considered to have regional power and dominion that is not only limited to the territory of Pekalongan Slamaran alone but along the northern coast of the island of Java from Cirebon to the Rembang. Even some who believe that the Goddess Lanjar have a direct relationship with the rulers of the southern coast of Java, Nyi Roro Kidul.

For the people of the myth of the goddess Lanjar Pekalongan is a cultural heritage and beliefs which must be kept kelestarianya. Many believe that the Goddess Lanjar is a real character who is not just a mythical creature, Dewi Lanjar believed to have the power to maintain life in the micro-cosmos or macro cosmos, believed also that the Goddess Lanjar are the spiritual leaders of religious who have a long history on par with guardian Songo , of the Goddess Lanjar also have a title as a female pilgrim to Mecca in the Islamic faith.

As a city with a majority Muslim population throughout the Ramadan atmosphere becomes solemn. Muslims are becoming more diligent worship until a full month and celebrate the Feast of Idhul Fitri. However, the peak of the crowd occurred on the 8th of Shawwal, the feast of the eighth, known as Syawalan, the entire population of the village came to Kampung Kidul Krapyak to stay in touch, visit each other and forgive. On 8 Shawwal Krapyak community feast after fasting six days back, on this occasion, they make the 'open house' receive guests both from out of town and out of town. It is known by people outside Krapyak, so that they would not hold a gathering visits on the days between 2 to 7 in the month of Shawwal, but flocked to visit on the 8th of Shawwal. This habit is widespread, even increase steadily over time so that there Syawalan tradition today.

From morning until dark city streets filled with a variety of human appearance. In every house that stood in the village Krapak Kidul doors open from morning to night for each guest visit, the dish is served, is Lotis -potongan dengansambal various fruits and nuts, other refreshments. Privileged Syawalan celebration is customary isti Lopis giant cake weighing 535 kilograms diameter of 203 centimeters and 170 centimeters tall. The main event was marked by the cutting Syawalan Lopis by the officials and Community Leaders Pekalongan.

After a prayer by a local cleric giant Lopis instantly became seizure of thousands of citizens. Despite the jostling among fellow citizens to get a piece of cake Lopis scramble giant, but the intention of citizens to participate in this event does not recede. Not a few mothers and young women competed Lopis giant cake fell to the ground and mutual metindih. People believe if you can get Lopis pieces and ate them, then they will get the blessing and cheap mate. So, this annual event is always packed with thousands of visitors from different regions, at noon Syawalan event enlivened by flying a giant plastic bubble.

The Lopis size from year to year is always getting bigger. Lopis contested citizens have a special meaning. Lopis made of glutinous rice is meaningful as an adhesive unity amongst Muslims. Meanwhile, melilitnya of rope as a symbol of man's relationship with God. Raskasa Lopis spent 2.5 quintals of glutinous rice and 270 pieces of banana leaves. Ketan boiled in a giant steamer for 3 days and 3 nights. Making this Lopis cost Rp. 8 million collected contributions from local residents.

Tradition Syawalan routine performed by the people of Pekalongan have already started around 130 years ago, precisely in 1855 AD the first time to organize a celebration Syawalan is KH. Abdullah Sirodj who are descendants of Kyai Shoulder Rekso. This Lopis new cutting ceremony was started in 1956 by Mr. Rohmat, the village head of the area at the time. Lopisan derived from the word Lopis, which is a specific kind of food Krapyak raw materials consist of sticky rice, which has exceptional adhesion when it is boiled until cooked properly.

Lopis does contain a philosophy of unity and oneness which is the third principle of Pancasila us. Why not, he is wrapped in banana leaves, tied with a rope and boiled for four days and three nights, so it is no longer possible grain sticky rice was to divorce disarray back as the original. Why not wrapped in plastic or other material that is practical, in accordance with the sophistication of today? Banana trees do not want to die before bearing fruit and begat many other words did not want to die before meritorious and leave future generations as a connector relay. Thus deepening our elders thought earlier.

This tradition led to Kampung Krapyak very crowded with visitors who stay in touch, school children appears also joined the uniforms to make the task of twists and likudan origin Syawalan tradition. Hustle spreading towards the sea, stay in touch with community resumes traveled staring at the waves and sea lines that blend with the horizon. The wind blew very friendly seakaan give congratulations dating for each attendance. In one mama never allow me to follow this tradition by including me in a relative who wanted to stay in touch to Krapyak Kidul. But this visit was exhausting. When I repeated Syawalan celebration with friends just going to watch the crowd from the terrace of the house. Quite happy to see a variety of human appearance from childhood to the elderly celebrate the victory.

The following tradition is also the series in Pekalongan is Khoul, a religious ceremony to commemorate and remember the services of religious figures / Kyai / Habib conducted by his successor and the leader or follower. This tradition is carried out once a year. There are many khoul organized and attracts many pilgrims from various cities around Pekalongan. Khou; The most famous is to commemorate the merits of Habib Akhmad bin Abdullah bin Tholib Al Athas, during his lifetime pioneered the spread of Islam in Java, which is held annually on 14 Sha'ban -Ruwah-- every year.
After the joy the day of victory, there is still another crowd held on the anniversary of August 17, evening at Jalan Raya Hayam Wuruk, Sintren performances. These performances attracted the attention of time, so that the whole town seemed to flock to watch the show. Gamelan music really been able to invite the crowd, that shows these people will soon begin. Fragrant incense billowing from a burning, scented mystical, as if the spirit of lelembut was present anyway in this crowd without showing his form of the original. The handler Sintren certainly pray to the One, then this show will be completed safely. Finally the awaited moment arrived when a handler looks lead candidate Sintren dancers along with four ladies as a symbol of an angel, the four ladies are apprentice Sintren. The aroma of incense run with the wind, while the rhythm of the gamelan louder burning spirit, the entire audience's attention focused on the stage, as if spellbound. Sintren still in everyday clothes, accompanied by her ladies led handler. Reverently handler holds both hands prospective dancers sintren, then placed on the smoke of the incense while chanting mantras, further prospective dancers sintren tied with rope wrapped around the entire body.

Prospective dancers sintren put in a cage -kurungan chicken along Sintren clothing and supplies makeup. A few moments later when the cage was opened, Sintren already dressed in an attached rope, the cage is closed back. Shortly confinement vibrating a sign that Sintren already finished. When the handler opened the cage, appeared Sintren already separated from the rope and ready to dance. Sintren eyes were closed, as possessed by spirits, dispelled sunglasses, so the audience can not look in his heart the most deeply. Steaming fragrant scent of incense still accompanied song. Formerly Sintren dancing in kebaya outfit, now using fashion doll. Sleeveless commonly used in the puppet dance along with fabric or jarit, female fashion model of Java, pants Cinde, namely three-quarter length trousers only to the knees.In the circular waist belt width of fabric to tie sampur which waved left and right side of the waist. At the head of Sintren is diadem ornament with garlands of jasmine flowers on the right and left ear as koncer. There is also the Sintren leg swathed in black and white socks, as typical of the arts in the region of Central Java. Song of ricochet splitting the night air:
"Sulasih Sulandono white incense nggo ngundang dewo, ana dewo dewone sopo, widodari ndang temuruno. Oing nggodog guava, ouch lai sintrene mundak ayune .... "

Gamelan rhythms kept pace, Sintren dance and continue dancing pose a big question mark in the minds of the audience, "how can a dancer dressed in a cage while the whole body tied a piece of string? "It is said that the girl who became a dancer Sintren is a truly chaste, has not been in contact with men. When chanted the song turns into dolanan song, dance Sintren increased tremendously, so boisterous cheering audience.

A spectator suddenly pass gravel toward Sintren, then the dancer was immediately tumbled into unconsciousness. The handler to act soon, helping Sintren, bloat his hands up on the surface of the face, then give spell, so the angel spirits come back. So Sintren back awake, rise up dancing to the rhythm of the gamelan and tetembangan. Gusti kawula song was playing, for the apology to Sintren who fainted with anger or is unwilling heart.

Nevertheless the meeting between the two are still ongoing with the supernatural. The meeting was arranged by Dewi Rantamsari who enter the spirit Sulasih angel to the body, at that moment R. Sulandono who was imprisoned spirits summoned by his mother to meet Sulasih and the meetings between Sulasih and R. Sulandono. Since then each held performances sintren dancers must have entered into the spirit of an angel by his keeper, with a note that it was done when the dancer is still in a state of purity.

In addition to batik, the performing arts, the culinary Pekalongan no less impressive, is tauto, megono, fried tempeh and meatballs with a distinctive flavor. So, after 30 years of leaving the City of Batik, Pekalongan life in the atmosphere, especially the culinary remain forever in the memory.

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