Sunday, March 31, 2013


- red twilight  slowly shaking
fell in the line of the horizon

I paid the debt off the lier
I stabbing sword  r as once you cut
the knife  in depth
and similar waves hit the rocks of the wild blood
coral reef
grains of sand no longer whisper
only the sound of wind murmured, "do not you regret ...."
performances storyline has been written in the record for sure
- appointment only alfabeth tongue and words
floundered screaming, gone
but love is like a ring of fire, the ring finger tighten
sparkling as well lie
was homesick as incandescent candles, instantly extinguished
night became even more black
sudden sharp blade claw
right in the gut
: "I want to quickly take leave, fly with
butterfly and rainbow colors
more fiery dusk
whole, is now gone ....

Agats - Asmat, July 21, 2012

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