Sunday, March 3, 2013


Recognize HIV / AIDS and Fight!

By: Dewanti Dadana *

    It has been 26 years since HIV / AIDS first came to public attention when conceived Indonesia in Jakarta, the news that there have been patients who showed manifestations of AIDS (Julianto, 2002: xi), and 6 years later entered in Papua with the results of 7 cases were later enlarged after 7 years the number of cases to 246 cases, 160 cases of HIV and 86 cases of AIDS (Linggasari, 2008: 47). As for the Asmat region test new HIV / AIDS conducted in 2007. Of the 200 test samples of blood, there is one who is HIV positive. 3 years later the virus is grown from 1 person to 70 people. In October 2012 found 10 cases of HIV in Asmat Regent, following five cases in pregnant women.
Research Linggasari et al (2009: 29) among others, states that the customs inherited from their ancestors since time immemorial to put sex as a behaviour that is sacred to the Asmat. Sexual relations are conducted lawfully married couples will rise to power, freshness, vigour and courage. After having sex, the man will be better able to Asmat headhunting activities. The rest, that sex is a behaviour to carry out the regeneration with the breed. In other words, it can be mentioned that a legitimate sexual relationship will be a rewarding psychological and biological. CES Manais a term in the Asmat to mention a healthy sexual relationship. In the further development of sex not only positive consequences - Ces Manais - but also due to negative - Namir Manawei -. Namir manawei will emerge as a result of sexual intercourse outside marriage. These relationships can even lead to the most fatal consequence, which is death, because the affair could spark a fight to the killing. Deaths also occur, due to sexual relations with multiple partners can lead to STDs and HIV / AIDS (Linggasari, 2008: 48-49).
STD - Sexually Transmitted Diseases - often referred to as the "gateway" entry of HIV. STDs are some of the types of infections caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi, such as gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, trikormona vaginalis, and candidiasis (yeast). PMS was first known in the Asmat long before PSK - Commercial Sex Workers - come, namely in 1977 when members of the contingent that follows rowing race Asmat IX PON in Surabaya, have sex with prostitutes and bring home an STD (Linggasari, 2008: 42) Why say PMS as a "gateway" entry of HIV? A person can be exposed to an STD if frequently changing partners. The disease can be transmitted through sexual intercourse without using a condom and also transmitted from mother to baby before or at the time of delivery. If exposed to the disease, the patient's genitals would ooze pus and the patient will walk with a slight thigh open to relieve the pain. Injuries resulting from the disease can facilitate HIV transmission. That is why PMS is often said to be the "gate" or "entrance" of HIV.
What is HIV? HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or the virus that causes AIDS. So, HIV is a virus, while AIDS is a disease. HIV is found in body fluids, namely blood, semen, and genital fluids in people who have been infected. HIV / AIDS can affect anyone who does behaviour that may allow the exchange of bodily fluids. Thus, a person can be infected with HIV if he had sex with other people who have been infected with HIV without using a condom, and if someone did a blood transfusion to another person with HIV if using needles that are not sterile, including piercing, tattooing and acupuncture; if using a syringe with a drug used together people who are infected with HIV, and can also be transmitted from an infected mother to child during childbirth or breastfeeding. But now the transmission from an infected mother to child during childbirth or breastfeeding can now be prevented. News from I can state that, in the district of Columbia, United States, since 2009, pregnant women with HIV shall take antiretroviral (ARV) drugs to prevent HIV transmission from mother to baby. As a result, no babies were born infected with HIV from their mothers. Chief of the Integrated Services HIV Cipto Mangunkusumo, Prof. Zubairi Djoerban in Jakarta, while delivering results Ke-19/2012 International AIDS Conference, said the research showed three people living with HIV with acute leukaemia and lymphoma can be cured disorders, the virus is no longer detectable. As for the others recover functional HIV, the virus that is still there but not growing. They immediately take ARVs for three years once diagnosed HIV positive. Now, even though seven years without medication, they stay healthy.
We can not know a person has HIV or not just from the looks of it, no special signs that can identify whether someone has been infected with HIV, because of the presence of the HIV virus itself takes quite a long time (5-10 years to achieve the so-called full down AIDS). Many HIV-positive people that look like healthy people, then, the only way to know one's HIV status is by a blood test. Instead, a person taking an HIV test if he or she:
• Have 3 pairs or more in the last 12 months
• When having unprotected sex (sex without a condom)
• If you feel the previous sexual partners may be unsafe sexual behaviour
• If you never use the same syringe with other people
• When exposed to an STD
• When health workers directly exposed to the blood at the time of duty
If someone did a blood test, it will through the process of VCT - Voluntary

Counselling & Testing -. VCT stages are as follows:
1. Pre-counseling (pre-test counselling
2. Test (blood test)
3. Post counselling (counselling after the test)

   But when a person infected with HIV for the first time and possibly checked with a blood test, then the first test is not necessarily detectable levels of virus in the blood. This is because the body takes about 3-6 months to produce antibodies that will be detected by a blood test. This period is called the window period (window period). During this period, if certain people had already had a virus in his body (although not yet be detected through a blood test), he was able to transmit HIV.
If we already know our relatives, our friends or other people who have HIV / AIDS, do not be afraid of contracting with a company to decide to stay away from them, because HIV / AIDS can not be transmitted by simply:
• Getting in touch with new clothes or goods used by people with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA)
• Holding hands, hugging, kissing cheeks, chatting with people living with HIV
• Touching or wipe the tears and sweat of people living with HIV and affected by sneezing PLWHA
• Exposure to mosquitoes and other insects
• Swim with people infected with HIV in the same pool
• Living at home with PLWHA, eat together, sleep together (originally not to have sex without a condom with PLWHA), using shared WC
Prevention is better than cure. There are some preventative precautions to do so were not infected, ie faithful to one partner only, so, if you have a partner do not be looking for another couple to have sex; does not have sex at all, or do not have sex before marriage, always wear a condom when having sex with multiple sexual partner, do not use needles, and draw closer to God, praying, asking to avoid things that can cause yourself suffering from HIV / AIDS.
A person who has been infected with HIV if not taking ARVs on a regular basis or do not keep the pattern of life well, the HIV virus will be turned into AIDS. AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, a collection of symptoms that arise due to reduced immunity. There is no cure for this disease, which is why people with AIDS will lead to death.
 The passage of time since a person with HIV infection to AIDS can be long, between 5 to 10 years. While still infected with HIV, a person still looks healthy, but when it has reached the stage of AIDS, the major signs that are seen are:
• Weight loss of more than 10% in a short time
• prolonged high fever (more than one month)
• Prolonged Diarrhea (more than one month)

The additional symptoms such as:
• Cough prolonged (more than one month)
• Skin disorders and irritation (itching)
• Fungal infections of the mouth and throat
• Swollen lymph nodes throughout the body, such as under the ears, neck, armpits and groin

The highest percentage of HIV transmission occurs through unprotected intercourse, number of sex workers because it is very influential on the number of people living with HIV / AIDS. The more the number of sex workers, it will be more the number of people with HIV / AIDS. Their presence will invite many prospective victim of STD and HIV / AIDS. This is because the prostitute who has no power to satisfy customers who are reluctant to use condoms when having sex with a reason to have sex without using condoms more satisfying than using condoms. They can only think and do not dare refuse the request for fear customers will flee and the revenue will shrink.
The customers who have married prostitutes will go home and pass the virus is already in his body to his wife. And when the wife is pregnant, then the baby is in the womb will be infected with HIV as well if precautions are not taken immediately. Unfortunately for the customer or others, especially customers who married prostitutes who have learned that multiple partners without using a condom would be able to transmit STDs and HIV / AIDS but still do not use it for reasons as above. They are more concerned with the satisfaction of the safety of themselves and their families and others. The PSK was first entered into the Asmat region in 1996 when it broke out in the aloes region. Initially, the searchers came aloes just carry themselves with a friend or group of men, but gradually they came, bringing with them the women who accompanied them in the forest, that women prostitutes. But despite repeatedly sent home by security forces, the prostitute still keep coming, again and again, pull rental homes and guesthouses through the practice of local government never existed. This is due to the involvement of an official, military and business person in the presence of prostitute. Even so, the presence of PSK inevitably have ups and downs, as many walks of life who oppose their presence as well as government action. Still, until now the prostitute still exists and continues to grow in number.
It is a difficult thing to clean prostitute from Asmat regency. Not only here, everywhere else was so. The presence of prostitute as if he had been part of a place or a region. If so, there is still to do to prevent the spread of viruses and disease, that is, by holding counselling. Counselling related to HIV / AIDS must often do, given the increasing number of people with HIV in the district of Asmat because most were lacking and not well-informed about HIV / AIDS. In addition to HIV / AIDS prevention education by organizing, sharing information about HIV / AIDS as well as individual needs. In this case, it takes a high concern and creativity or how the way we communicate and give understanding to others. Students Asmat district should receive more attention. As children and teenagers, of course, they have a high curiosity for something new and often try things that they do not understand the risks that result from their actions are. However, they will be the successor and builder for the future of our beloved county. What happens if the families of young Asmat regency has many fall into dangerous things, such as HIV / AIDS? We all want the best for the future of the district. Therefore, counselling and activities on HIV / AIDS should be routinely performed in schools, from elementary to early discussions elementary, junior high and high school until the discussions are more complex. Thus, the families of young people will be able to understand what is meant by HIV / AIDS, how it is transmitted and what is caused by the virus and the disease early on.
However, all things die back to each one of us, the important thing is to realize the dangers of HIV / AIDS. Remember, how HIV / AIDS has claimed many lives including babies who are innocent. Therefore, let us together to fight HIV / AIDS to keep ourselves each. Protect Asmat regency of the threat of HIV / AIDS.

* Dewanti Dadana, Grade XI IPA 1Secondary Schools  1 Agats – Asmat - Papua

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