Friday, March 1, 2013

Asmat Traditional Party

Emak Cem Party
--The Myth--

That said, there were two girls who live in the upper reaches of the Ayip, they called Ucu Komaraot, because staying at banyan tree in the hole. Ucu means banyan tree, Kamor was incarnate spirits, while Aot shows women. Thus it can be translated as Ucu Komaroat spirits that inhabit her banyan tree holes.
According to the tale, they are transformed into a parrot which always flying to and fro in the hamlet of sago. During the second day of the parrots flew screaming over the sago trees as if looking for a reply from someone else.

There lived an old man named Ufiripit who settled themselves around the upper reaches of the Ayip anyway. One day the old man went into the woods to hunt, he saw a pair of parrots that flew screaming over the sago trees. Ufiripit mean the archery parrot, but when his hands were preparing to stretch Gendewa and arrows suddenly a parrot disappeared back into the hole banyan tree while waiting Ufiripit back.

When it appears, that Ufiripit has returned Ucu Komaroat immediately approached. Without a word and conversation, they immediately entered into Ufiripit. The right hand rose old man helpless. In the right hand Ufiripit anxiety was light again, but still hot. Finally came the boils, ulcers and even then more days getting bigger and sore. All night Ufiripit can not sleep, because the pain that bothered. One night Ufiripit dream, that boils that grow in the hand is actually a spirit. In the same dream, the spirits tell you about the name and whisper, that ulcers should be split tomorrow.
The next day when the ulcer was cut, out Ucu Komaroat two brothers in the form of two tiny babies. Notified in accordance with the name in a dream, then Ufiripit Omaraot oldest baby name, while her sister Dafaraot. Both infants were reared with loving care, so into adulthood, a girl beautiful. Ufiripit, the father, could not help but fall in love. Secretly he wants to marry the two daughters.

To achieve its intention to build a house Ufiripit-sen-River downstream Ayip, he also made the best short stroll from the starting point in the river upstream -to-point downstream through the cut in the ground. Bes or cut shorten the trip from upstream to downstream, because the way to go far away and across the river to meander.

After making the cut on the penny with the silent, pretending Ufiripit fell ill, suffering Omoraot and Dafaraot mourn their father.
Ufiripit keep pretending that the disease is getting worse and there is no hope for recovery. Living the old man was probably not going to last much longer. Once again Ufiripit pretend to give the last message, "Wait a minute, if the father dies, make co - para-para-but not too high, wrap my corpse with Tapen-mat-less good then put on the ko. Do not also tie wrapping the corpse is too strong. After that come out of this house and everything in it, go follow the flow of the river is up on the penny until they arrive at a house. In the house you will meet with young fathers, young fathers face, the way he speaks and his whole personality precision with me ", after pretending to instruct with a multilayered plan, breath Ufiripitpun disconnected.

Throughout the day Omoraot and Dafaraot mourn the death of my father, after fulfilling Ufiripit message, the two girls to leave home and live with the entire contents. After the death of Omoraot and Dafaraot, Ufiripit immediately dismantle Tapen with weak ties that wrap and immediately ran in the direction the piece is deliberately made to go to a new home built in the cents, in the downstream river Ayip. While Omoraot and Dafaraot follow the flow of the river, according to a message Ufiripit toward cent. Both girls had to travel a long and winding, so the faster the movement when Ufiripit.
Before Omoraot and Dafaraot arrive at their destination, Ufripit had arrived first and immediately waiting for the presence of two beautiful girls who intentionally want to be his wife. Soon the girls were waiting for came with lamentation. Ufiripitpun asked, "What are you crying about?"
Both Omoraot and Dafaraot answer that question, they told all the events that befall mourning the death of my father. After hearing the story, Ufiripit pretended to cry, as if mourning the death involved. And he invited Omoraot and Dafaraot to stay in his home, goes hunting Ufiripit diligently to ingratiate the girls. He never went hunting with his bare hands, there is always a game results in hand.

One day Ufiripit invite Omoraot go hunting in the forest. In the silence of nature that Ufiripit implement its intentions, Omoraot helpless with desire that had long planned the old man. And they should do husband and wife. Home hunting Omoraot immediately approached his brother, Dafaraot then said, "Let us make this young father of the husband."
All Dafarot disagree with his elder brother, deep in his heart he still doubted, whether the old man who claimed the father's sister, actually the father who only pretended to die? If he was my father who pretends to die, then he would never accept his elder brother. However, Omoraot constantly urges, Dafaroat finally forced to accept the offer to become the wife of Ufiripit. In association relationship as husband and wife, then Omoraot a son named Ringworm. When Ringworm the age of three years, Dafaraot gave birth to a son also named Sawarap.

One day Omaroat and Dafaroat went into the woods looking for sago, Ringworm and Sawarap Ufiripit keep at home. When Omaraot and middle Dafaraot ask processing sago, suddenly Amos-cenam tools sago-owned Dafarot damaged. Dafaraot had to return home to take amos-cenam others, he also returned home. While walking back to the house, from the distance came the cries of children, presumably his son, Sawarap crying, thirsty for milk. Dafaraot hurriedly walked chasing the child, but at the door of his footsteps stopped, he heard Ufiripit Sawarap persuade middle. "Dorma fiman erayi, dorma juman erayi, doropia". Those words meant, "You are my son, but also my own grandchildren."

Dafaraot stunned, words Ufiripit make it as if about to kill himself, he felt very embarrassed, because my father had husband own. He immediately took Sawarap then feed him, after feeding, then handed back to Ufiripit Sawarap. Dafaraot take Amos-cenam then back to the hamlet of sago.
Arriving in the village of sago, Dafaraot immediately picked Amos high-cenam then swung hard Omoraot head to bleed. The older brother immediately screamed in pain as she asked, "Why did you do that?"
"I already smell a rat and said, that the old man who lived in the house that is our real father. Why are you forcing me to marry her? Earlier, when I returned to the house to take amos-cenam, Sawarap crying, he persuaded with words, fiman erayi dorma, dorma juman erayi, doropia, why do you not believe it when I ever tell you that? "

Words Dafaraot make Omoraot silent, he could not do anything, he also helped the father had embarrassed himself. What to do after an incredible remorse?! Without thinking they immediately schemed to kill Ufiripit. Both repeal of-sago-screening tool and then returned to the residence. When the two women returned home, then Ufiripit immediately went to the woods to hunt.

When Ufiripit busy hunting and Dafaraot Omoraot together soon collecting all kinds of drugs and then Constructing giant-giant-bubuh commonly used to catch fish. Sasa was then rubbed with various drugs and accompanied by spells and then placed in the mouth of a boat moored at the site. Soon Ufiripit back from the forest with the three pigs hunting results. And he fell a shower, right where the giant placed, near the mouth of Kali Ayip.
When diving, Ufiripit immediately trapped into a giant monster, she tried to get out, but his efforts were in vain. An hour later Ufiripit embossed with giant then gave the final message, "You two have been enacted so upon me, starting tomorrow you have to go from here to emari-world-by along the western coast and estuaries wide. Tomorrow you have to go with the boat which I will prepare this evening, the sago tree if you have it, that's the boat you two ".

After the message Ufiripit sink forever and become residents of  Estuary Ayip River. He became bu Cesar or pack or sea monster sea-giant-the rain fell through the night accompanied by thunder, lightning and fog to complete darkness covered the universe. In situations like that the boat was promised Ufiripit realized in accordance with the last message. The next day Omoraot and obey Dafaraot last message Ufiripit, They soon paddling and moving down the river.

On the way suddenly Dafaraot pregnancy, she thought, that the pregnancy was the result of spirit intervention. The Spirit whispers into the hearts of Dafaraot, that later if it contains the middle child was born, he should be named Seos. According to the tale Seos been able to speak since being in the womb of the mother. While Omoraot also gave birth to two twin daughters as the relationship with Ufiripit. The two twin daughters named Jiniiraot and Saniiraot.

Seos who have been able to talk since being in the womb, when born immediately notify his mother and his brothers, that he must be the oldest of the brothers and other relatives. Seos also asks was placed in the middle of the boat as helmsman. Each stopover on the beach Ringworm and Sawarap always keen to settle down, but Seos always refused. For Seos beach was not the real purpose. Even if had to spend the night, Seos never been down to the beach, he just gave orders to his brothers, "You have to! You must be so! "As Omoraot and Dafaroat always digging wells and planting bamboo segments at the edges every time stop at the beach.
After a long journey, they finally arrived at the destination specified Seos. Both mother and other relatives Seos complied, the place was given the name Upuye and Esamu. Second place was close between one another.
The day after arriving in Upuye and Esamu, Omoraot and Dafaraot go catch fish in the sea. They got a whale, on the order of arrival at home Seos whale skin was used as a jew or a roof -je bisip be back poles furnace-fire-After the skin and bones of whales were taken. Seos said, "Hey whale skin and bones, be the roof and pillar". So, be skin and bone whales roof and poles. Seos and then the back says, "Hi roof and pillars, be a jew / Je, be home". Then the roof and pillars that too be according to this word Seos home.
The next day Sawarap Ringworm and take away material to build a house party. The house is called Mother Cem or bone-house, even a house of bones, because half of the material is made up of the remains of a whalebone. After making their Mother Cem hitting drums at night with bamboo trumpet accompaniment, bringing Wompa Biku tone in turns. The next morning an old man, named Jisbermerat comes from forests with a full noken. Jisbermerat let you know, that the songs are sung last night is still not complete. For song again, then gave noken containing objects Ajima it to ringworm and Sawarap. After  Jisbemerat left them.
Two nights in a row Mother Cem dismantled, no one knew who was doing the demolition. Once they established the Mother Cem for the third time, Seos required to keep at night. Once kept finally known, that the had twice unpacked Mother Cem is a giant lizard-Jok-rising from the seabed. That same night Seos kill Jok, so the giant monitor lizards can no longer unload Mother Cem. Since then, the Seos can live with the Mother Cem peace until the end of his life, until his bones turned into a piece of iron which is then used to build the houses in Upuye and Esamu.

Mother Cem origin myth has a symbolic meaning associated with the view of Asmat life. That event when Omoraot and Dafaraot flying over the village in the form of starch parrot is a symbol of the divine principle that hovered over the universe. Above the universe ancestor spirits actually covers and master nature Asmat people. When Omoraot and Dafaraot Ufiripit entered into, then this event is a symbol of the divine principle into the world. That the spirits of ancestors affect the lives of Asmat.

When Ufiripit with all guile intends to marry his own children to the death. In principle this is a symbol of deception, that the world does not accept deception. Humans who do not obey the will of our ancestors will receive various sufferings of the world, such as diseases, earthquakes, and so on.
When Omoraot and Dafaraot and his children went down the beach and then went to the parts of the Emari. So this event is a symbol, an attempt to leave the innocent people and journeying toward a peaceful happy eternal kingdom. That the Asmat people, by all means, give offerings or solemnize ritual to the ancestors so that the ancestors bring happiness both to those who are still living and the dead.
Seos depriving eldest brother and influence others towards Emari Ducur. Deprivation is a symbol for the way to go to get to the kingdom of happiness, peace, and eternal. That the spirits of ancestors and teach procession notify ritual to be created, celebrated, and lived Asmat people, particularly for Joerat for happiness in the world. The Jisbermerat is a mediator that conveys special songs, so the songs are always able to accompany Mother Cem ceremony until today. Finally Upuye and is a symbol of royal Esamu happy.

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