A Biwiripit is a "warrior" who grew up in customs procedures in order to become a champion. Ritual ordinance referred to in the custom-house, jew. Education for a soldier is a must for every young man who has surpassed initiation in the traditional feast called the Mother cem. Necessity is the logical implication of the defence system life, one group, from another attack constantly, so tribal war broke out already. Without the education of the "soldiers" in the jew, the village in question will be ravaged, without resistance, due to an enemy attack.
In the Asmat jew boy taught to make war supplies, is an axe, spear, short arms of cassowary bone, and darts. Besides taught to make war gear, the question being taught too young to use it expertly equipment. In tribal warfare, gallant youth who managed to decapitate an opponent, then it has been considered as adults. "Soldiers" bravest and most able to cut off your opponent's head, then he will be declared a war chief.
Education procession of the "soldiers" are sacred, closed to all women and children. War is a duty, responsibility and role of men in the community. A man would be so mean, when managed to occupy the position of the head of the war. Such lofty position coveted. As all women have no right to be involved in the procession, given the physically weak and getting weaker in the state to contain and breastfeeding.
Women even a prisoner of war for the winning side. Women also - among others - sparked the outbreak of war, because the beauty and charm worthy grabs. Women become important, because of its role in the regeneration and carry out their responsibilities in meeting the needs of consumers every day, without exception. Similarly, after the war ritual perpetuate themselves for many years in public life, the changes occur, as relations with the outside world slowly began to happen. According to records Verlag (2002: 49) first contact Asmat sporadically with the outside world in the early 17th century, on July 12, 1607, Win Vaes de Torres of Ship San Pedro wrote a letter to the King of Spain who preach exploration on the South Coast New Guinea and stated that the area was owned by the King of Spain. Nearly two centuries later, precisely on October 12, 1770, Captain James Cook and his crew met with the Asmat. He wrote that they were anchored near Pirimapun and the place was named Cook Inlet. Contact onwards occurred in the 1930s and has consistently continued when finally Pastor and Pastor Zegwaard post-Welling founded the first Catholic Church on February 4, 1954.
Contact with missionaries as evangelists, in
particular, provide a fundamental change to the lives of the Asmat. Gospel is not proclaimed war, especially headhunting directly resulting to the death of someone. Nine years later, on May 1, 1963, when Irian Jaya (now Papua) came to be a part of the Homeland, warfare and headhunting increasingly excluded from public life. Breach of the peace as for war headhunting tribe violated human rights.
Change this view is slowly, but surely rooted in community life. With this view, the figure of a "warrior" who had won a landslide in the battlefield slowly began to fade? A young man should never again be a "warrior", no longer have the ability to battle head beheading opponents. So, jew function as a fortress of the "soldiers" began to shift. Education for the "soldiers" of the original form of dexterity war, turned into education about behavioural attitudes as Asmat - real man - the man who thought well, behave well, and said well.
The carving is a skill that can not be separated, these skills are passed down through the process of socialization of the wow ipits to future generations. Jew into the right media for socialization referred. In the next generation jew also learn to carve, make the body ornaments of shells, saga, genemo - tree roots - pandan leaves and other decorations. Jew still function, even war and headhunting is no longer declared.
Over half a century later, after the missionaries consistently roll out the changes, particularly in the development of the mental attitude of the Asmat. While construction continues, the war and headhunting eventually imprint as history. Even though inter-tribal fights and violence often, but beheading opponents for any reason can not be justified. The "soldiers" had laid down their arms and implements of war. In traditional celebrations, then all "soldiers" again showing themselves to traditional finery complete with weaponry. However, they were no longer fighting, they were dancing and singing as an expression of joy.
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