ASMAT --From Behind The Lens |
After the storm, rain, black night, and the scorching burn -- still leaving a traces of life ..
Saturday, May 21, 2016
ENO FARIHAH --Indonesia Crying ....
: What exactly has prevailed on you
my dear?
black night overflowed into dense soot
getting red lipstick colour
increasingly red
draw blood
just hope that upset empty float
bounced on the vile
the handle of a hoe
have sprinkled a thousand colours of flowers and
of tears thundering into
stream, sniffed toward offshore
--are you for flying with a beautiful angel
nothing was left of a lifetime
but eternity
provide a peaceful place for you
Agats - Asmat, May 22nd, 2016
Mid-May 2016News of the tragic death suddenly shook public, so hard, cause grief and anger. What really happened on that terrible night. Two people meet to try to build a beautiful discourse about tomorrow in unity indefinitely till death. However, love turns the only term that can cause a man to feel himself authorized to have sex outside the marriage line. Eno reject, avoid the dire effects, she does not want to contain outside marriage. The rejection was caused outrage brutal, so the lover hearts lose control, calling the two companions.Physically a woman would lose when fighting with men, especially the volume tripled to three. Then love likely bring death. Three people clapped one who never thought her last day has arrived, physical violence occurs, sexual violence goes beyond the most ferocious animal behaviour though. Then the handle of the hoe stabbed so severely - from the hands of a man who "loved" and "love". Rontgen results showed that the handle to penetrate from the innermost secrets to damage the lungs, no one can survive with such trauma. Photos of the violence that appears in the media truly heart-rending wide audience. "How sweet young girl may have died so tragically with hoe handles translucency of the most sensitive organs up into the chest?" The medical team did autopsy crying, they had never seen cruelty like this. Is there a human right actors? Or demons resemble humans who think a woman has no interest in anything, except be satisfied lust?The authority of men over women often exceed the limits a woman's ability to act and take responsibility. Women often too innocent define "love", in all the scriptures, the responsibility of a husband is to provide for and protect the family, including before the mating process occurs. However, a man who has faith in the Identity Card do not necessarily understand the role of a man in accordance with the teachings in scripture. Family environment and surrounding communities provide learning erred in establishing the relationship between men and women. Thought inherent in perpetrators of violence against women, that gender relations serve only to serve men, women just objects to serve and satisfy themselves. When the woman refused to be satisfied appetite, then the handle of a hoe act. Three men aged in their teens were able to apply such a sadist, never considering that all human behaviour is recorded, angels. That crime, especially with two witnesses and perpetrators would inevitably be exposed from the trail left in place Genesis Case. Society is not only demanding punishment gelding, but the death penalty, because of the cruelty that was beyond the limits of humanity.Penalties what exactly is most appropriate for the rapist? Penalties what exactly is most true for rapists and murderers? Is there a young age become a barrier? Indonesia is in an emergency situation of rape - Indonesia Crying. Cases of rape and murder not just occur in young girls Eno Farihah, news of violence against women spreading terror resembles that cause anyone to feel anxious for the safety of the girl child. There is an Upper School students containing, when asked for married men who loved. So belly girl containing the fetus without sin was kicked, bleeding occurs after death. The girls who had passed away, because of sexual violence, has been lying in a truly peaceful, he had returned to the true love. Seconds when the violations occurred, she had fainted, she was dead before the final exhale with a floating question, what is the sweetheart would do this kind of violence? However, the bereaved family will mourn, traumatized for the rest of his life. They lose the rights to live in peace with the children of women who were born.What is the real definition of "Love?" When death is a horrible end of a reasonable expectation of every beautiful teenage girl. No lyrics are sung Odi Agam, 'give half alone love, no more and no less to him, not necessarily you and him will last forever .... "A young girl too innocent in defining gender relations, it should not be entrusted to live anyone except the Creator, or never build gender relations within marriage when the relationship was still so far out of reach. Friendship is better, because a friend is not authorized to demand sex in the name of love.Family as the main environment capable of building the character of a child, whether male or female, from an early age, should be able to instil the understanding that the noble task of man is to protect women. That women physically weaker, and became so weak when it contains then gave birth, was not to be tricked, but to be helped. In the era of gender equality, a woman's husband will help work hard for a living. So a husband obliged to assist women to domestic duties after the household. This compliance can occur if the early character of a child has been built in the name of culture. A view - a system of ideas that motivate behaviour and agreed on in the local appropriate castrated rapist?
The answer is "Yes". Indonesia Crying, Indonesia emergency rape and murder. The Malaysian government sentenced him to death for the parties involved drugs. In a different case, Indonesia should be able to apply the same punishment, with consideration of the perpetrator be a deterrent, while the prospective actors will think a thousand times to commit acts of sexual violence. And Eno Farihah, calm you in the wild there, lie on top of a thousand colours of flowers and chanting in a loving heart .....
: What exactly has prevailed on you
my dear?
black night overflowed into dense soot
getting red lipstick colour
increasingly red
draw blood
just hope that upset empty float
bounced on the vile
the handle of a hoe
have sprinkled a thousand colours of flowers and
of tears thundering into
stream, sniffed toward offshore
--are you for flying with a beautiful angel
nothing was left of a lifetime
but eternity
provide a peaceful place for you
Agats - Asmat, May 22nd, 2016
Mid-May 2016News of the tragic death suddenly shook public, so hard, cause grief and anger. What really happened on that terrible night. Two people meet to try to build a beautiful discourse about tomorrow in unity indefinitely till death. However, love turns the only term that can cause a man to feel himself authorized to have sex outside the marriage line. Eno reject, avoid the dire effects, she does not want to contain outside marriage. The rejection was caused outrage brutal, so the lover hearts lose control, calling the two companions.Physically a woman would lose when fighting with men, especially the volume tripled to three. Then love likely bring death. Three people clapped one who never thought her last day has arrived, physical violence occurs, sexual violence goes beyond the most ferocious animal behaviour though. Then the handle of the hoe stabbed so severely - from the hands of a man who "loved" and "love". Rontgen results showed that the handle to penetrate from the innermost secrets to damage the lungs, no one can survive with such trauma. Photos of the violence that appears in the media truly heart-rending wide audience. "How sweet young girl may have died so tragically with hoe handles translucency of the most sensitive organs up into the chest?" The medical team did autopsy crying, they had never seen cruelty like this. Is there a human right actors? Or demons resemble humans who think a woman has no interest in anything, except be satisfied lust?The authority of men over women often exceed the limits a woman's ability to act and take responsibility. Women often too innocent define "love", in all the scriptures, the responsibility of a husband is to provide for and protect the family, including before the mating process occurs. However, a man who has faith in the Identity Card do not necessarily understand the role of a man in accordance with the teachings in scripture. Family environment and surrounding communities provide learning erred in establishing the relationship between men and women. Thought inherent in perpetrators of violence against women, that gender relations serve only to serve men, women just objects to serve and satisfy themselves. When the woman refused to be satisfied appetite, then the handle of a hoe act. Three men aged in their teens were able to apply such a sadist, never considering that all human behaviour is recorded, angels. That crime, especially with two witnesses and perpetrators would inevitably be exposed from the trail left in place Genesis Case. Society is not only demanding punishment gelding, but the death penalty, because of the cruelty that was beyond the limits of humanity.Penalties what exactly is most appropriate for the rapist? Penalties what exactly is most true for rapists and murderers? Is there a young age become a barrier? Indonesia is in an emergency situation of rape - Indonesia Crying. Cases of rape and murder not just occur in young girls Eno Farihah, news of violence against women spreading terror resembles that cause anyone to feel anxious for the safety of the girl child. There is an Upper School students containing, when asked for married men who loved. So belly girl containing the fetus without sin was kicked, bleeding occurs after death. The girls who had passed away, because of sexual violence, has been lying in a truly peaceful, he had returned to the true love. Seconds when the violations occurred, she had fainted, she was dead before the final exhale with a floating question, what is the sweetheart would do this kind of violence? However, the bereaved family will mourn, traumatized for the rest of his life. They lose the rights to live in peace with the children of women who were born.What is the real definition of "Love?" When death is a horrible end of a reasonable expectation of every beautiful teenage girl. No lyrics are sung Odi Agam, 'give half alone love, no more and no less to him, not necessarily you and him will last forever .... "A young girl too innocent in defining gender relations, it should not be entrusted to live anyone except the Creator, or never build gender relations within marriage when the relationship was still so far out of reach. Friendship is better, because a friend is not authorized to demand sex in the name of love.Family as the main environment capable of building the character of a child, whether male or female, from an early age, should be able to instil the understanding that the noble task of man is to protect women. That women physically weaker, and became so weak when it contains then gave birth, was not to be tricked, but to be helped. In the era of gender equality, a woman's husband will help work hard for a living. So a husband obliged to assist women to domestic duties after the household. This compliance can occur if the early character of a child has been built in the name of culture. A view - a system of ideas that motivate behaviour and agreed on in the local appropriate castrated rapist?
The answer is "Yes". Indonesia Crying, Indonesia emergency rape and murder. The Malaysian government sentenced him to death for the parties involved drugs. In a different case, Indonesia should be able to apply the same punishment, with consideration of the perpetrator be a deterrent, while the prospective actors will think a thousand times to commit acts of sexual violence. And Eno Farihah, calm you in the wild there, lie on top of a thousand colours of flowers and chanting in a loving heart .....
ASMAT --The Strong Woman
ASMAT --From Behid The Lens .... |
Friday, May 20, 2016
a miracle, that in the middle of frenzied atmosphere of the city when the roar
of the motor vehicle rumbled as if an ocean wave, there is a very old puddle
which eventually became a lake. Usually a lake nestled away in the suburbs that
must be reached within a few hours drive. However, Hoan Kiem Lake is located
right in the heart of Hanoi, capital of Vietnam. The water provides a calming
effect and mentally cool, staring at the water and shady foliage provides shade
atmosphere, resulting in fatigue of thinking and working can be forgotten for a
moment, before the energy will be prepared for the next activity.
Early in the morning
when the air is clear and fresh, citizens can initiate the activity, jogging or
just a leisurely stroll, the destination Hoan Kiem Lake. Afternoon when
sunlight skewed golden yellow falls on the surface of the lake, a stone
building in the middle looking increasingly old traversed history. The
atmosphere at the edge of the lake comes alive by a variety of activities, a
group of people just sitting under a tree staring into the middle of the lake
while conversing enjoy refreshments. The fruit sellers passing by offering
produce, cafeteria offers a culinary variety, a group of the others seemed to
do gymnastics together. While across the lake a long row of shops offering
souvenirs, typical food Vietnam, fabrics, garments, shoes, and whatnot. At
night, especially before the holiday atmosphere around Hoan Kiem Lake is
getting better by the presence of the whole city, even country to foreign
tourists traveled. Hoan Kiem Lake is like the heart of life in the city center
that can never stop beating.
Near the northern
shore of the lake lies Jade Island on the which the Temple of the Jade Mountain
--Ngoc Son Temple-- stands. The temple was erected in the 18th century. It
honors the 13th-century military leader Tran Hung Dao who distinguished himself
in the fight against the Yuan Dynasty, Van Xuong, a scholar, and Nguyen Van
Sieu, a Confucian master and famous writer in charge of repairs made to the
temple in 1864. Jade Island is connected to the shore by the red-painted wooden
The Huc Bridge --The Huc, meaning Morning Sunlight Bridge.
Hoan Kiem Lake, meaning --Lake of the Returned Sword-- or --Lake of the Restored Sword--, Also known as Hồ Guom --Sword Lake-- is a lake in the historical center of the lake is one of the major scenic spots in the city and serves as a focal point for its public life. According to the legend, in early 1428, Emperor Le Loi was boating on the lake when a Golden Turtle God --Kim Qui-- surfaced and asked for his magic sword, Heaven's Will. Loi concluded that Kim Qui had come to reclaim the sword that its master, a local God, the Dragon King --Long Vương-- Loi had given some time Earlier, during his revolt against the Chinese Ming. Later, Loi Gave the sword back to the turtle after he finished fighting off the Chinese. Loi renamed the lake to commemorate this event, from its former name Luc Thuy meaning "Green Water". The Turtle Tower --Thap Rùa-- standing on a small island near the center of the lake is linked to the legend.
Hoan Kiem Lake, meaning --Lake of the Returned Sword-- or --Lake of the Restored Sword--, Also known as Hồ Guom --Sword Lake-- is a lake in the historical center of the lake is one of the major scenic spots in the city and serves as a focal point for its public life. According to the legend, in early 1428, Emperor Le Loi was boating on the lake when a Golden Turtle God --Kim Qui-- surfaced and asked for his magic sword, Heaven's Will. Loi concluded that Kim Qui had come to reclaim the sword that its master, a local God, the Dragon King --Long Vương-- Loi had given some time Earlier, during his revolt against the Chinese Ming. Later, Loi Gave the sword back to the turtle after he finished fighting off the Chinese. Loi renamed the lake to commemorate this event, from its former name Luc Thuy meaning "Green Water". The Turtle Tower --Thap Rùa-- standing on a small island near the center of the lake is linked to the legend.
Legend has always conserved in public life, history scrolling, changes occur. Vietnam is a country with the most tragic war record, Uncle Ho as head of state supported by all levels of society managed to repel invaders from the land. Eleven years starting from 1974 to 1985 Vietnam suffered a subsidy period, which led to a difficult situation needs to be subsidized. But the Vietnamese community adalaha hard worker, a situation of war has long passed. Now, as an independent state each individual duty and the right to build a life. So, Hoan Kiem Lake as a tourist center in the middle of Hanoi City is always crowded, pulsing showed courage is an independent country.
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Monday, May 16, 2016
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ASMAT --From Behind The Lens |
Sunday, May 15, 2016
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