Sunday, March 12, 2017

A S M A T --Binam, Tha Capital District Suator

BInam settlement, the district capital Suator longitudinal length, according to the river flow. On the banks of the river, on a sandy, children always cheerfully playing ball, is a child's world full of friendship without distinction of race, status, and class. Away from the river bank, where children play ball, precisely at the right end of the village, with regular public housing stands, exactly facing the river and the lush wilderness in the sun all the time. On two roadside trees filled with lush foliage, the result of a guava tree for the market. while birds that appear to wander around the yard into nutritional choices except for fish and other aquatic animals. The well looked too solid concrete walls on the side of the house. As dozens of stalls lined with regularly along the main road, provides a variety of daily necessities, internet cafes provide services for the user at all times in order to stay connected with the outside world. Food stalls provide dishes anyway what it is, a visitor will have no difficulty finding a place to stay, every door is open pobud. In the hours going to and from school, elementary school students and junior high school would seem to enliven the main road. While there are students who ride a bicycle or electric motor, the other on foot. As for the market, offering the gardens, kale, lokbok, guava, tomato, sometimes also offered carp. The fish are known to the outside of the region.
20017 year komosit bridge will be built on the pier with a length of 750 meters. Each home provides a generator for lighting at night. With the hustle and more adequate living facilities, presumably BInam including one of sati in the Asmat district capital eligible as sites of life, though needed a four hour drive from the capital Agats.

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